Dal Pino: ‘Football deserves respect, there is no dialogue with the government’. Spadafora: ‘I’m amazed’ | First page


Paolo Dal Pino, president of the Lega Serie A, attends the attack on the Minister of Sports Vincenzo Spadafora frequencies of Radio Deejay for the chaos of the stadium reopening: “I don’t like to say it, but I have to do it out loud: football deserves respect, you have to plan things through dialogue. In July we did a 300-page study with the best consultants in circulation on how to reopen stadiums in complete safety, no one has ever called us even to address this issue.

WE WANT RESPECT – Spadafora added: “The CTS makes an enormous effort to take care of the country, we are grateful to them for what they are doing, but regarding our sports ministry, dialogue is not what it should be. Football represents one of the most important Italian industries, with a large tax and social security revenue, employing 300,000 people directly and indirectly and representing an important social phenomenon. Now the country is trying to start anew, schools are open, something is moving in the trips, companies are operating normally. I also said this in the last assembly: Why do you queue to enter the subway and also queue at school, buses, companies, and why can’t there be one person sitting around the stadium with five empty seats? We hope that the CTS will pay attention to this issue, because this is an industry that if it does not have the attention of the ministry that should govern it, runs the risk of entering into great difficulties and putting many jobs in danger ”.

THE REPLICA – Sports Minister Spadafora’s response was swift, who expressed himself in these terms: “I read with amazement Dal Pino’s statements about the lack of dialogue between the government and the world of football. The attention has been constant, the solutions found have been shared to complete the last championship and start the one that starts today on time. We have ensured a continuous and daily support activity: just to name a few of the things, last Monday’s hearing in the Scientific Technical Committee, requested by me after the rejection of the protocol for the reopening of the stadiums, which was in no way ignored as Dal Pino maintains that it was also aimed at the protocols for reducing the frequency of tampons, on which the CTS again discussed yesterday and on which we are awaiting decisions. Then I remember the corridor rule for foreign athletes who can therefore repeal the quarantine and without which the championships would not have been restarted, and the many individual reports that we have received from many clubs and that we have helped to resolve, from matches to protocols. for the reopening of all amateur football as well as the great result obtained from the opening of the CTS regarding the opening of stadiums from October. A few days ago, the president of FIGC was received by the prime minister, and after the meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the common will to gradually reopen the stadiums from October was confirmed, pending analysis of the curves after the reopening of the schools. The DPCM in force since the beginning of August and renewed in September allows the Presidents of the Regions some margins of intervention and some have decided to open the stadiums in their territories, following the established rules. I will be happy to welcome President Dal Pino in the coming days: the resumption of the championship is good news for all fans and sports enthusiasts, myself included. I look forward to an exciting sports season and wish all the teams involved the best of luck. “
