Dad until Christmas. And so? Giannelli: students and teachers in class with coats, we equip classrooms with automatic ventilation – School News


The topic of going back to class is exciting. And the number of professionals who “push” because it is done quickly is increasing. The pediatrician associations and the coordinator of the CTS, Agostino Miozzo, also think of her as the Minister of Education, who defined her statements about the return from school in January as false: in particular, Antonello Giannelli, national president. NPC, what about The Republic urges the government to focus everything on transportation, classroom ventilation, rapid monitoring of infections in institutions, and staff increases.

No to DaD all year

And he says move as soon as possible, returning to the classroom lessons, because more than three million students at home are “a defeat for the country.”

Then he argues the concept: “With distance education you can continue for a while, especially with older children, but it is unthinkable to end the school year like this, it would be a very high price.”

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In class without risk

Giannelli remains realistic. And he doesn’t even want to go through those who don’t care about the health of students and teachers: With the DDA, he admits, “maybe it’ll come after Christmas break. I don’t want to be misunderstood: we all want school in presence, but this must be done without compromising health. That is why I say that in the meantime we must get down to work, otherwise there will be no conditions to reopen or we will end up opening and returning immediately after localized closings ”.

The improvement of transport, argues the leader of the APN, is a crucial step: that is why he says that “this ping pong between the Government and the Regions is unacceptable; With the capacity of the vehicles at 50% it is said that it is not possible, if it is at 80% the contagion spreads. A stalemate that must end. We need to buy more vehicles and hire drivers. And integrating the public system with individuals who are not working now, I am thinking about tourist buses. Let it be an opportunity to launch a school transport system that has never existed in Italy, Germany has it ”.

The Germans spent 500 million on ventilation.

The Germans, Giannelli continues, have also “invested 500 million for the ventilation of schools. We asked for it ”, but without getting“ any response ”. So, in Italy “to ventilate the classrooms the only way is to open the windows. Between Covid or cold, the lesser evil is better, that is, being in class with a coat ”.

Then there is the problem of testing. “Local health care must be able to intervene quickly in schools, from kindergarten to high school, he observes, we have directors who write to health companies without receiving responses for more than a week: therefore it becomes unmanageable. , we cannot teach. We ask that only two days elapse between diagnosis and follow-up. Our proposal is for a Covid staff dedicated to schools: at least 5,000 hires ”.

More autonomy for schools

A few days ago, Antonello Giannelli had also called for greater autonomy from the institutes and fewer restrictions imposed.

“You cannot impose on schools something that school leaders have to decide. School autonomy is in full force and is protected by the Constitution, and it serves so that each school offers a training offer adapted to the different needs of the territory, ”said the leader of the first directors’ union in Italy to the Ansa agency. .

According to Giannelli, “imposing national and regional restrictions contravenes the legal principle, because what is decided in a big city is not good for small towns, suburbs or rural centers.”
