Censis and dad report, the photograph is six months old. A disaster. It could not be otherwise, given the urgent nature of the solution. Much has changed compared to April, thanks to some actions by Mi and the work of the teachers.
Censis report and the year 2020 “branded” Covid-19
Censis 2020 Report. As every year, the research institute presents the social situation of our country. The current year was branded significantly from the Covid-19-induced pandemic. Our whole existence has been infected. Obviously, the most obvious effects refer to our health, put to the test by a murky and little-known enemy. Some contagion, However, they have affected (a process still in progress) the economy, sociality, politics, determining a repositioning of the present, the vitrification of our limitations, the return of the State as protector and guarantor. Other pulmonary infections involve the psyche, our sociability, our emotional states, the effects of which must be studied more carefully and scientifically.
In short, we are faced with a global and multidimensional phenomenon because it is about the whole man who is always a social being (Aristotle).
Censis report and “catastrophic” photographs for inclusion
The school could not be exempted, as an institution that is a community and therefore a meeting of people. Hence its closure. A measure never taken in Republican history. The closure referred to the physical environments. The training continued online, implementing a kind of didactic continuity, inventing a new method from scratch: dad. How did it go?
Here is the Censis report, already released on June 9. “In April 2020, only 11.2% of the more than 2,800 school leaders interviewed by Censis reported that they had successfully engaged all students; vice versa, more than 10% of the students were absent in 18% of the institutions (table 19). In addition, 53.6% of managers highlighted that with dad it is not possible to fully involve students with special educational needs … the most widespread concern, expressed by 51.5% of those interviewed, is that they are not capable to adequately support students with disabilities or special educational needs. Another 37.4% of principals fear that they will not be able to carry out projects to combat educational poverty and prevent early school leaving. “
The situation could not have been different
It is difficult to assume a different situation. Dad was an emergency solution, imposed by the urgency of guaranteeing the existence of the school at the time of the greatest peak of the epidemic. A school almost entirely dedicated to face-to-face teaching could not in a very short time (one month) invent a solid background. The school is characterized by the slowness of its processes and more so when it has to elaborate a teaching that is substantially alien to daily practice. To this we must add that the health emergency has exalted all the criticalities present in health and schools.
The latter has never been able to significantly solve the problem of early school leaving. So Dad couldn’t be trusted with this commitment. It was not part of their duties. Last year (October 2019), therefore, before the outbreak of the pandemic, an editorial by R. Ricci (Invalsi national manager) certified explicit school dropout (young people who have dropped out of school) by 14, 5%. To this value must be added the 7.1% of implicit disappearances. Am “students who finish their studies, but without even remotely reaching the minimum expected goals after 13 years of schooling …“
During the same period, Tuttoscuola published a dossier “The school makes a collaborator” which states that “From 1995 to the present, 3.5 million students have dropped out of public school, out of the more than 11 million enrolled in secondary school (-30.6%). Boys and girls disappeared from the school’s radar, which in this sense recalls the notorious actions of the Italian water network, which loses 35% of the water. A strainer “.
The excellent intuition of Minister Azzolina
Minister Azzolina had an excellent intuition. Based on the dynamic nature of the pandemic, made up of ups and downs in the health situation, he proposed a digital integrated teaching plan (Ministerial Decree 89 of August 7) ”understood as an innovative teaching-learning methodology, it is aimed at all secondary school students, as a complementary teaching method that integrates the traditional school experience, as well as, in the event of a new confinement, students of all school grades, according to the indications given in this document“.
This time it was not left to chance or to the volunteer work of individual teachers. The plan is the point of arrival (so we are not in year zero), never exclusive (we will explain the meaning below) of the reflections, projects and activities that have worried Dad and that must now be integrated with face-to-face teaching. And all this is declined in the classic sections of the needs, the objectives of the schedule methodologies and more. Obviously, security and privacy additions are proposed.
Great attention is paid to the historical criticality of the school institution with regard to dispersion.
The integration between environments that must remain distinct, however
In summary, the learning environment traditionally identified with the classroom is enriched with the online one. We are in the presence of an expanded environment within which a coherent proposal must be implemented, where offline and online are integrated (blended learning model). The latter does not work in parallel and does not have an additional function compared to offline. The enunciation has its effects on the strategies that must refer to the peculiarities of each sub-environment that must be kept differentiated. From this it follows that any absorption of the virtual in the real should be avoided, by replicating the mode of transmission (the lesson). The plan presents an example: “The videoconference lesson facilitates the use of teaching methods more focused on the protagonism of the students, allows the construction of interdisciplinary paths as well as overturning the structure of the lesson, from a moment of simple transmission of the contents to a comparison agora , of shared reworking and collective construction. of knowledge. “
In conclusion, integrated digital teaching is an opportunity to update the school educational environment, identifying solutions and approaches that expand the learning space, making it suitable for the acquisition of the skills of each and every one, taking into account students with diagnoses (L.170 / 2010) and the non-certified (students with special educational needs).