
Alessandro rossi He is 38 years old. And the First son of Paolo rossi, born in the year of world victory in Spain from his marriage to his first wife, Simonetta Rizzato. The ‘team’ is familiar to him but it is not that of a playing field or in the locker room. He did not follow in his father’s footsteps, choosing another career: he is a surveyor and also worked with his parents when they lived in Vicenza, where the former champion had transformed a real estate agency into a small business. His father’s death, which occurred at age 64 due to a tumor, was a bad blow.
“Dad, don’t worry, I’ll always be there for my little sisters and our family.”. Alessandro says in the interview with Rai Sport microphones. On Saturday the funeral will be held in a strictly private way, then the body of ‘Pablito’ will be cremated – at the will of his second wife, Federica Cappelletti, and the same son – and the ashes will return to their current home. “He had a strong character, as a fighter. He never gave up in the months he was sick. Unfortunately this time he didn’t win, the evil he had won”.
In the words of the eldest son, the pain and the memory that have marked these last hours are mixed, the hardest due to death and the awareness of the end of everything. “Dad has always been a humble, generous person, always present. Fantastic even in his private life. He never said no to anyone, always available to help others. His greatest gift was his altruism.”.
Those values that his father transmitted to him, he will try to tell them and give them in turn to the little María Vittoria and Sofía Elena (the daughters that Rossi had from his second marriage). He will stay with them on behalf of the father. “It is a promise I made to him,” added Alessandro. “I told him that I will never fail, I owe it to him. He was ill for a few months and in the last 10 days he has worsened and has been hospitalized. Dad will always stay in our hearts.”
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