
“The undersigned …. declares under his own responsibility that the movement started from (indicate the direction from which it began) with destination (indicate the destination address)”. And again: “Regarding the play, he also declares that ….”. The self-certification form returns to Lazio. Because from tomorrow the curfew begins due to the Covid emergency: from midnight, between October 23 and 24, all movements are prohibited until 5 in the morning. With exceptions, for which you will have to fill in a form that will be available, probably from today, on the Pisana website (www.regione.lazio.it). The Prefecture is ready to prepare the plan for the new controls. Not only because of the nightlife squares, as predicted by the last Conte dpcm, but also because of the night stop that the Region and the Ministry of Health have just launched. Prefect Matteo Piantedosi will meet today with the Provincial Public Order and Security Committee. Movement controls must be considered both with “static positions”, in short, checkpoints, and with “dynamic” patrols, agents who circulate on roads and sidewalks.
The halls”
To curb the nightlife, yesterday the Police, during a technical table requested by the prefect, drew up the list of places where the Municipal barriers will be placed, starting at 9 pm. The open spaces will not be closed completely: the part of the center will be prohibited with yellow traffic police tapes, but it will be possible to circulate. “Corridors” will be created for those who go to the site. After midnight, all shutters must be lowered. The definitive list of places will be formalized today, during the summit in the Prefecture. The list should include the busiest places for the high night: from Trilussa square Trastevere in the Monti district, from long degli Osci a Bologna Square. Possible restrictions too Milvio Bridge and in the pedestrian area of Pigneto. In the nightlife squares, controls will also be delegated to the soldiers of the Safe Roads operation, already authorized by the Ministry of the Interior. For the curfew, instead, the police and local police will be used.
Until November 23
The ordinance signed yesterday by Governor Nicola Zingaretti, with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, establishes that as of tomorrow night “movements in the territory of the Region will be prohibited, from 24:00 to 5:00 of the day following”. . The measure will remain in effect for 30 days. You can travel only for “proven needs”, such as commuting from home to work or vice versa, and “for travel caused by situations of need or urgency, or for health reasons”. For now the transport network will not undergo any changes. It was one of the most discussed points in the meetings between the different departments of Pisana. A night stop like the one in March seems excluded for the moment. But in the future the option remains on the table. The night lines could be reduced, to enhance the daytime races: Atac will decide. Among the other measures of the ordinance, tele-teaching for 50% of high school students (excluding first-year students) and the increase of Covid beds to 2,913, of which 552 in intensive or sub-intensive care.
Last update: October 22 at 00:05