
Everybody home all 22 me distance education for high school these are the prime minister’s hypotheses Giuseppe Conte to avoid meetings and stop the growth in the number of infections of Coronavirus
Yesterday with a tweet the premier urged Italians to “respect the new provisions, we follow the recommendations, we do good for our country.” IS’ excluded for the moment in new blockadeRight now the economy is showing signs of recovery but we have to wait 15 days to see the results of the current measures, such as the use of the mask. Meanwhile, however, at Palazzo Chigi, anticipates the Corriere della Sera, the hypothesis of a curfew is being evaluated, a new measure that could be imposed on bars, restaurants and other public establishments.Lower the blinds at 10pm. And that citizens leave home after that time. “This measure does not seem to me”, the minister stops Roberto Speranza. There is a general consensus on the need to expand smartworking.

The question of distance education from schools. The governors’ proposal made (very) angry Lucia Azzolina: “It is not on the agenda.” The minister, surprised because it is the same Regions that in June did not want to include distance education in the guidelines, does not want to disperse “the great investments and sacrifices made,” “Azzolina told Conte yesterday morning, who saw his face face off at Palazzo Chigi.
But the presidents of the regions, even more after that De Luca has closed schools in Campania, they insist. And if the Democratic Party has proposed to reach 50% of digital teaching in high school, alternating home and school, among the 5 stars the suspicion is that closing schools is “a strategy to block competition.” De Luca’s squeeze comes later. In a dialogue with Speranza, the new Dpcm actually foresees that individual regions can tighten the measures but not relax them. De Luca said he was concerned about the growth of infections compared to the population density of Naples.
As soon as Conte returns from Brussels, he will see the party heads of delegation and decide on the closure. The minister Francesco Boccia it feared “the interruption of social and cultural activities with increased risk of overcrowding.” Gyms, beauty salons, cinemas, theaters and grassroots sports.