curfew at 10 pm in the regions


The new Dpcm is about to be approved. After hours, days of frantic consultations and mediations with the Regions, we are moving towards the signing of the new provision, which will be in effect from November 5 to December 3. Among the novelties, the total national curfew after 10 p.m. stands out, while for the confinements the regions at risk will be closed, based on specific ordinances of the Ministry of Health.

These are the news national:

  • Curfew from 10pm to 5am: Outside these hours, only trips motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons are allowed. In other words, the formula is in all respects the same as that of the closing of March.
  • Distance learning in high school, compulsory primary and secondary school mask : 100 percent dad in high school grades. Lessons will continue in first grade and boys’ schools, but masks will be required after age six and unless they are suffering from respiratory illness.
  • Large stores closed on weekends: Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays for large structures for the sale of non-essential goods. Likewise, stores in shopping centers that are not always considered essential goods are also closed.
  • Bars and restaurants open from 5 to 18: maximum 4 people at the table, all living together. To take in person until 10pm, free home delivery.
  • Prohibition of consumption in public places after 6pm: It is forbidden to consume food and alcohol in public places and open to the public
  • Local public transport returns to 50 percent: the fee is back on local public transport, that is, only on regional buses and trains. Exception made for school transportation.
  • All public and private competitions suspended: the prohibition of pre-class and written exams, telematic and curricular methods remain open. Only distance training courses.
  • Closed exhibitions, museums and other places of culture

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Selective blockades in the regions, what happens

The new Dpcm of November 3 establishes that, in the case of a high-risk region -and to define it it will be an ordinance of the Ministry of Health based on a prevention document specifically elaborated each week- the following will proceed:

  • Prohibition of entry and exit from the region: As in the March closure, it will be possible to leave and for the region in question only with self-certification for reasons of work, health, necessity and urgency. You can return to your residence.
  • Prohibition of entering and leaving the municipality of residence: same as above, but with the limit of the municipality of residence. Unsuspended and unavailable services are an exception.
  • Stop in bars and restaurants: also closed pastry shops and ice cream parlors. They are to wear until 10 at night and at home. Only the service and refueling stations, as well as the catering and company dining rooms, remain open on a contractual basis.
  • Stop outdoor sports activities: Only walking under the house is allowed.

At the time of writing, Emilia-Romagna is not among the high-risk regions.

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