Crowded emergencies: now Zangrillo reveals the truth


As alarmist tones continue and the government imposes a new squeeze despite growing discontent and despair among Italians, Dr. Alberto Zangrillo, head of anesthesia and resuscitation at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, continues to make his voice heard, stating once again that at this time we are not in any health emergency.

Talking to “Live your life”, a program broadcast by Rai1, the doctor responded in this way to those who say they are concerned about the increase in phone calls to 118:“We see that 60% of the patients who come to the hospital are patients who come Discharged within the next 10 hours. So they are the so-called green codes “. In short, no crisis. Many of those who go to the hospital are not in serious condition, a fact also reported by Professor Fabrizio Pregliasco, a virologist at the University of Milan, and by the director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Giuseppe Remuzzi. Currently there are citizens who go to the emergency room out of fear, and some of them are hospitalized as a precaution.

“I think these data are absolutely understandable”Zangrillo continued,“because we have always denounced that somehow there is a disorientation general of people, who are very scared and do not have a point of reference. They certainly find this landmark in a hospital, but in a hospital there are several levels of care. There is the simple observation, there is a therapy -when indicated- to support oxygenation, then there is real non-mechanical ventilatory assistance, even the most extreme situation ”.

Zangrillo then spoke of the importance of organizing in the territory, however difficult it may be. Words similar to those of Professor Remuzzi, who had explained how many patients suffering from Coronavirus but in absolutely not serious conditions should be treated at home, and not hospitalized in a hospital. Zangrillo then concluded his speech by saying that he was very concerned about the contagion curve, particularly the curve of people who have been determined positive for Coronavirus. “We must not lose rationality”However, once again the chief physician of San Raffaele affirmed. “We all have a duty to give correct information, there is no disaster at this time. We must all do our part.”

Professor Zangrillo had reiterated this important concept also yesterday, when he addressed “The air that shoots”. “Perhaps my age that is no longer ‘green’ allows me to have a little more vision, and therefore try to tell the truth without exceeding optimism or catastrophismstated, as reported by “Dnakronos“. “What we see is that those who need intensive care are a clear minority. With this I am not saying that there are no patients in intensive care and that there will not be, but that exponential curve that terrifies for the moment is not there.” .
