Crowded buses and students on foot Protests reach the province –


First day of school at Covid time. And the knots, in the province, have already reached a critical point. The hardest to untangle, and it was feared, is the public transportation hub. Yesterday, dozens of reports of Bergamo students left on foot in crowded buses (not to mention the delays): buses that, due to anti-contagion measures, can travel at 80% of their usual capacity.

In recent weeks, Sab has planned schedules and itineraries for 1,750 daily school tours throughout the province, based on the new schedules (mostly staggered in two shifts) communicated by the schools in Bergamo.

But sending the system into crisis, the first day of school, was the provisional calendar. “Many schools have resumed their activities not with the final schedule, based on which in recent weeks we had prepared the entire new transport system, but with provisional entry and exit times – explains Roberto Salerno, operational director of the Sab -. But even if our system, which is an extremely complex and organized interconnected system, is aware of this, it cannot be recalibrated on a tentative schedule. It is impossible. We will do our best to optimize the services, but until the schools start with the final schedule, there will unfortunately be some inconveniences.

Speaking of inconveniences, yesterday the reports flooded from all corners of the province, although the families of Basso Sebino and Val Seriana seem to have been sanctioned. To cite some examples, yesterday in Credaro and Castelli Calepio many young people could not get on the bus that, at around 8.30, was supposed to take them to Bergamo: only at the Credaro stop about twenty remained on the ground, heartbroken in the See that the bus ( full) that came from Sarnico could not accommodate them. The students called their parents and the parents bombarded Mayor Adriana Bellini with reports. “Covid has only accentuated an ancient problem – observes Bellini -. The buses that depart from Tavernola reach our already crowded municipalities. I asked the local public transport company to let at least one empty bus leave Credaro. Otherwise, the situation will not be unblocked. ‘

From Sab they announced that, in this specific case, yesterday’s discomfort is due to the breakdown registered by one of the vehicles, with the consequent overcrowding of the other buses. But there are also the valleys that suffer from the transportation hub. Yesterday the difficulties were registered especially when leaving school. It happened, to cite just one example, shortly after noon in front of the Turoldo institute in Zogno when a group of students heading to San Pellegrino and Piazza Brembana could not get on the already crowded bus. The families of many other students from the upper Val Seriana also speak of extremely loaded vehicles, in particular in the direction of Ardesio-Clusone. “We try to do everything possible – answers Salerno – trying to enforce the limit of 80% of the capacity and the obligation of the mask. And we travel with the windows and roof hatches open. These are clearly the first days of a completely new system: we have made flow forecasts with historical data, but this year everything has changed, due to the completely revised schedules in several shifts. We will try to optimize as much as possible, hoping that the schools will start soon with the final timetable.

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