One of the novelties of the assignment of substitutes for the 2020/21 school year is represented by the method of conferring assignments in support positions to non-specialized teachers, through the so-called “cross rankings”. An operation that the School Offices are carrying out these days
We refer to the management phase of the School Offices.
How are the citations to support the publications?
As OM n. 60/2020, art. 12 paragraph 4 “Support positions are awarded to candidates with the qualification prescribed by GAE, in accordance with paragraph 5, and by the corresponding GPS with priority over other types of teaching in common positions or chairs”.
And this operation, although not in all provinces, in many it can be said that it is concluded.
Cross classifications
Always art. 12 in paragraph 7 states
“In the event of greater disability, the candidate without a specialization degree is identified, scrolling through the GAE and, alternatively, the GPS of the degree
relative, based on the best position in the group with the best relative score. “
Based on this, the School Offices are preparing the so-called “cross rankings” in order to grant support positions not attributable to the first GPS support (teachers specialized in support) and the second GPS support (teachers with three years of service in the specific grade).
Support alternates, common seat alternates, alternates supported by cross rankings
This was the sequence followed by various school offices. Consequently, in the publication of the cross rankings, there are no teachers who accepted fixed-term contracts on 08/31/2021 and teachers who accepted support positions in the presence of places until 08/31/2021.
In fact, the ordinance allows (article 12 paragraph 11 only during the period necessary to carry out the operations and exclusively before the stipulation of the corresponding contracts, the waiver of a hiring proposal for a substitute on June 30 for subsequent acceptance annual substitute for the same or different teaching).
Therefore, the teacher who accepted a temporary position on June 30 could still compete for places on August 31.
Does a teacher who has renounced commonplace have the right to cross-list for support?
If the GPS commonplace calls were made before the cross-ranking endorsement calls, and the applicant has resigned from a nomination, is he entitled to appear in the latter?
There are those who say yes, there are those who say no … and also in this case the behavior of the School Offices is different. A reader of ours warns us “***** It is allowed to renounce the common place without being eliminated from the cross rankings while for the first and second secondary grade all this does not apply, justifying the disparity with “you have more possibilities having more CDC”, so if a high school teacher resigns from the joint position, they are also removed from CDC cross-support“
To our readers the comment. You can send your reflections and tell us how the School Offices are operating [email protected]
Does the denial of substitution of cross classifications imply penalties?
For the “old” regulation of the substitutions, the Ministry had prepared a specific FAQ
“Since, obviously, the sanctions provided by Ministerial Decree no. 131 of June 13, 2007, applies to the rankings prepared based on the DDG of 3/16/2007 and Ministerial Decree 53 of June 21, 2007 and not to those who are nominated by the 2006/2007 rankings, it is specified that the sanction does not apply in case of resignation to the position of substitute teacher by a teacher who does not have specialization “.
It goes without saying that the situation in 2020/21 is completely different, and for the first time there are specific GPS support rankings in which teachers without specialization are inserted. But this situation is regulated.
On the other hand, the situation of the teacher who receives a proposal for a substitute position in a transversal support position is different, a circumstance that he did not explicitly choose in the application and that is only a consequence of his presence in the ranking of places for which he is in possession of admission qualification. A circumstance that leads to saying that there should be no penalty.
However, a clarification from the Ministry in this regard would be appropriate.