Criticism of Prime Minister Sanna Marin for a low-cut dress but the Finns mobilize to defend her


The summary of all the posts in favor of the premier is that it is not a dress that measures his credibility. “We want a world in which a woman doesn’t have to worry about losing credibility due to her cleavage,” users write.

The television journalist also sided with the prime minister Ina Mikkola, who denounced the misogyny of the comments, and the former president of Finland, Tarja halonen, who congratulated Marín: “Welcome to the club of political women whose physique is constantly analyzed and discussed as opposed to men who can be seen shirtless without a shirt, whether they can afford it or not.”

And to think that in the long interview with Fashion, the prime minister speaks precisely of how a woman’s personal choices are always the subject of “analysis and debate.” And he explains that, to avoid the obsession with looks and appearances, “I change my look as little as possible.”
