crisis for everyone but not at Palazzo Chigi – Libero Quotidiano


Fausto Carioti

In times of Covid, not everyone tightens their belts. State employees with an indefinite contract, as you know, have endured the blow wonderfully: punctual and solvent employer (at least as long as there are those who sign public debt securities), non-lowered salary and the possibility of doing the “smart job” intelligent, which, as the economist Pietro Ichino said, was in reality, for many of them, “a long, almost total vacation, paid one hundred percent.” And at the top of its pyramid are the most privileged, good or lucky. (depending on the case) of all: the high and very high public administrators, in charge of directing the central administrations.

They are often (especially these days) far more capable than their political referents, who hold them in the palm of their hand. As the anonymous head of the cabinet says in the book I am the power by Giuseppe Salvaggiulo, «we are not discarded. Those who tried to do without us didn’t last long. And he hurt himself. Reasoning that applies to all mandarins in the Italian public administration. A great commission that solves your problems is worth gold, more if you do not pay it, but the taxpayer. Rule that Giuseppe Conte he knows it well and has no problem applying. Thus the premiere that is presented in Europe with a plate in hand an increase is about to rain on the 242 executives of Palazzo Chigi little in tune with the climate of misery and sadness that surrounds the rest of the country, and especially with the situation of those who work (or worked, before losing their jobs due to the epidemic) in the private sector.

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The new contract proposed by Aran, the agency that represents the state in bargaining with public employment unions, in fact, you can guarantee up to 1,126 euros more per month. The recipients of this sum are the 161 second-floor executives of the presidency of the board, who by adding the different items (generalized increase, increase to reduce the gap of their first-floor colleagues, fund linked to the result), in fact, arrive at to a similar figure. anomalous even for the traditions of his caste. It is also very good for the other executives at Palazzo Chigi, who in the worst case will add 331.80 euros to the 136.80 euros of the resulting salary, thus reaching a heavier salary of 468.6 euros.

And these are the numbers that Aran, the “bosses side”, puts on the table, which during the confrontation with the unions could even rise. As a demonstration of how expensive the economic health of its employees is for Conte, already in the maneuver launched last December the government had inserted an extra allocation of 2 million euros, with the sole purpose of facilitating the coverage of increases for senior positions in the building. Chigi, although their negotiations had not yet started. An additional € 5 million had been planned to finance salary adjustments for the prime minister’s “normal” employees. To get an idea of ​​the order of magnitude, these are salaries that in the case of Palazzo Chigi second-floor executives are currently around 88,500 euros gross per year, and that for the 81 first-floor managers generally range between 182,300 euros, but in some cases they can exceed 207 thousand.

And this after ten years of blocking of the collective bargaining of the public service, which was decided by the Berlusconi government in 2010, confirmed by the Caballero’s successors and rejected in 2015 by the Constitutional Court. Obviously at Palazzo Chigi there is, or should be, the crème de la crème, paid accordingly. For the rest of the central administrations, the increase decided in March and destined for first and second level executives and professionals foresees a global average increase of about 260 euros per month: a fraction of what is destined to their higher qualified colleagues, but still a lot for the parameters. of mere mortals, especially in a black period like this.
