
Government of the President. Or technical, but with some political nuances. The definitions of “high profile executive” that the head of state Sergio Mattarella intends to entrust to Mario Draghi may vary. But if the result of this turbulent crisis is a government in charge of managing “health, social, economic-financial” emergencies, the criteria for choosing independent personalities must be reconciled with the need to assure the Draghi government a solid parliamentary base and a minimum of continuity, both in the delicate front of the pandemic and in the equally important European funds that will be used for “the rebirth of the country.”

Obviously, the executive mandate itself will affect its composition: the involvement of the former president of the European Central Bank suggests a high-level team, certainly not merely electoral, that will have to deal with the development of the Recovery Plan. And the other unknown is the real will of the parties to adhere to the Quirinal call and to support the new government: support that could materialize in the entry of prominent politicians together with the technicians.

A confirmation could be that of Luciana Lamorgese, who leads the Ministry of the Interior in the current executive but maintains a technical profile, as a prefect for a long time. Among politicians, the “pandemic ministers” could maintain their current role: Roberto Speranza me Francesco Boccia. The first as head of Health, with the task, among other things, of drafting ordinances that complete the framework of the regulations. The second, on the other hand, is responsible for maintaining difficult contacts with the Regions and could continue to do so in a phase in which Covid risks remain high, as Mattarella recalled.

The speech relative to the Minister of Economy is more complex. In recent days Roberto Gualtieri had consolidated his position with the significant backing of the president of Confindustria, accompanied by the confirmation of the international relations network that he enjoys. With the change of tenant at Palazzo Chigi, Gualtieri, who has taken over the management of the Recovery Plan since the end of the year, would represent an element of continuity even in the face of the European Union. But the minister also has a political profile at the same time that he may no longer be appropriate in the new situation. The names that are made for Via Venti Settembre are those of Fabio Panetta (which, however, should leave an important role on the board of the ECB) and the economist Carlo Cottarelli, already appointed in 2008 by Mattarella and also designated as a possible prime minister. Unless, of course, Draghi himself manages this strategic delegation. However, a complex hypothesis.
A technician should also arrive at Farnesina and the choice could fall on Elisabetta belloni, who currently holds the highest diplomatic post as Secretary General. Another highly experienced technician, already experienced in previous executions, is Enzo Moavero Milanesi, which from the presidency of European Affairs could usefully manage relations with Brussels if the support of at least part of the center-right arrived.
Equally experienced and government-experienced name is Enrico Giovannini: The former president of Istat, today a speaker and coordinator of the Alliance for Sustainable Development, could return to the Department of Labor. For Justice, the ministry over which one of the most bitter confrontations took place in these hours of frenzied negotiations, the most accredited hypothesis is that of Paola Severino who in the past was already Keeper of the Seals and is an absolutely outstanding technical personality. Alternatively Marta Cartabia placeholder image, former president of the Constitutional Court, whose name was also mentioned for the position of prime minister. Another crucial chair in the coming months is that of Infrastructures: here, along with the technical hypothesis, there are those who do not rule out a return to the department of Poarta Pia di Graziano Delrio, today leader of the deputies of the Pd.