“Crisanti’s words are unacceptable”


Vaccino Covid, the Cts:

It would be appropriate to avoid personal positions that have nothing to do with the scientific nature of the issue. The Scientific Technical Committee tells how “Unacceptable” the words of the microbiologist from the University of Padua Andrea Crisanti about the Covid vaccine. All actions related to vaccines, in Italy and in the world, underlines the CTS in the report of the meeting, “are carried out under very strict controls” by international regulatory bodies and AIFA. Therefore, Crisanti’s statements must be “censored”, both for their “incorrect” content and for the “superficiality” with which they were delivered.

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Viola versus Chrysants

“I am truly convinced that science has given its best during this global crisis, showing us, once again, what humans can do when we work together. In January we will probably have two effective and safe vaccines thanks to the brilliant ingenuity of many researchers and the generosity of the more than 70,000 volunteers who allowed themselves to be vaccinated without hesitation. Trust in science. The University of Padua immunologist Antonella Viola writes on Facebook, returning to the controversies about the safety and efficacy of anti-Covid vaccines in development raised in an interview with virologist Andrea Crisanti.

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What Crisanti said

“Without the data, I don’t get vaccinated.” Too much speed, skipped stages, insufficient knowledge. “To make a vaccine, I personally want it approved and I want to see the data,” says Andrea Crisanti, director of microbiology and virology at the University of Padua. Words that have unleashed a long trail of controversy and counter-statements.

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What the experts say

“We must reassure Italians with the certainty that Ema, the European Medicines Agency and the FDA Food and Drug Administration will not authorize a possible vaccine against Covid if they do not have clear and certain data on the real safety. It will be injected will be insurance “. This was stated by Michele De Luca, co-president of the Luca Coscioni Association and Professor of Regenerative Medicine at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. “We must have confidence, a product will be put on the market whose effectiveness will be proven. Regarding the speed of identification times compared to the usual ones, we must recognize the extraordinary nature of the project. To stimulate the solution to a global pandemic – he says – are a lot of work, unusual investments of money and generous efforts unmatched compared to previous cases. Companies have invested and taken risks, but if the result is effective, it will not be decided by institutions such as the EMA and the FDA ”. It is “clear that the product will be marketed only when the tests have been carried out on a huge sample, given the use to be made. Only then will it be administered. No one will inject something unknown, but rather tested in all age groups”, adds the scientist Enrico Bucci, associate professor at the Temple University of Philadelphia and counselor of the Coscioni Association. According to Gilberto Corbellini, professor of the history of medicine and professor of bioethics at the University of Roma Sapienza, in addition, vaccines evolve as biological species and will evolve with the months, and we will calibrate better and better. There are agencies that control, it seems to me that the scientific debate is creeping into the political arena. ” Marco Perduca, coordinator of Science for Democracy also speaks on the issue of patents: “With regard to vaccines, Italy now needs to support much more first the COVAX fund of the global alliance for GAVI vaccine because it is the multilateral instrument more suitable to deliver doses, materials and skills even in low- or middle-income countries. If vaccinations are foreseen for rich countries in terms of weeks for the so-called South of the world, the logistics endeavor will be titanic and only the agreements for the groups of Vaccine patents as well as adequately funded coordinated maximum international collaboration will ensure that the universal right to health can be enjoyed everywhere at specified and rapid times. “

Last updated: 17:21

