Crisanti on the vaccine in December: “Worrying, it arrives without field tests.” The failures in the Dpcm: “There are no transport rules and the cinemas are closing”


«Coronavirus Vaccine Available for Early December? If this happened, I would be concerned because it would mean that the vaccine has not been tested in the field, in the population, to show that there is a statistically significant difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated. It would really be unprecedented if this happened. “To quench the enthusiasm for the vaccine (Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte also spoke in December during the press conference where he announced the latest dpcm) is Andrea Crisanti, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Padua, invited this morning in Cusano Italy Tv.

“Until now, not a single scientific publication has appeared under the scrutiny of the Community, which attests that this vaccine has the characteristics that they say it has,” says Crisanti. “The vaccine is the most suitable tool to fight infectious diseases in terms of cost and effectiveness. That said, the process of developing a vaccine is still very complex and lengthy, even in terms of distribution.

Holes in the Dpcm

“In my opinion, there is no real provision that regulates transport, which is an opportunity for crazy gatherings and it is not clear why transport is tolerated and cinemas and shows are sanctioned,” continues Crisanti, commenting on the latest Dpcm. “The figures speak for themselves,” he continues, and “suggest a worsening of the dynamics.” For the school, “a certain school district could have opened up a month in advance to understand what was happening in that particular area and it was not done. Then, massive samples could be taken with rapid tests to see if there was viral transmission. Now any discourse about school is made from intuitions, sensations ».

Crisanti’s criticisms are general: “The point is that we should not have reached this situation, it is the result of a total lack of preparation of the regions and also of the health system in the implementation of surveillance, monitoring and prevention measures” , sinks the microbiologist. “We had 5 months, we could have created a surveillance and monitoring system and we would not have found ourselves in this situation.”

And it is also too late: “Even if the cases were to decrease, we would have no guarantee of being able to consolidate these results because at the moment we do not have a surveillance system that is capable of interrupting contacts in the territory, such as China, Taiwan, New Zealand and also poor Vietnam, who knew how to intercept traces in the territory and has had very few cases.

On the cover of ANSA / Nicola Fossella | Andrea Crisanti in Vo ‘Euganeo, Italy, September 14, 2020.

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