“Having done some calculations and simulations, I would say that it would take 3-400,000 swabs a day.” Virologist Andrea Crisanti told SkyTg24, recalling for example that “the reopening of schools only affects more than 8 million students: every time one has a fever, one takes the swab for classmates, teachers, janitors.” , parents. It’s 100-150 swabs for each case. “
“At school, the mask should also be worn sitting at the desk when speaking because droplets are emitted when speaking,” stressed the virologist. “School is not only for learning but also for interacting, if we keep everyone quiet for hours it would be fine, but I don’t see children who don’t open their mouths for a long time.” So why was a different arrangement made? “Probably also because the capacity of 11 million per day has not yet been reached, it will be necessary to see if these masks materialize.”