The thesis of the prosecution is that with their behavior the former regional councilors “caused a very serious damage”
Genoa – It is no longer just a matter of public refunds that ended up where they shouldn’t have been. The investigation of the crazy expenses in Liguria, the first case in Italy, becomes a question of image damage. The Prosecutor of the Court of Accounts asks the former councilors to account for the discredit to the institutions – in this case the Liguria Region – caused by the judicial scandal. And it is a great bill: the first three politicians involved in this new trend are asking the magistrates for compensation of half a million euros. It is about Roberta gasco (ex Udeur, then went to mixed group), Lorenzo Casté (formerly the Communist Refoundation, which passed through the mixed group Indipendente Udeur-Sinistra) and Franco Bonello (formerly Unión a la Izquierda).
The launch of this new trend involves these three names because they are the first to be definitively condemned. The thesis of the Prosecutor’s Office is that with their behavior the former regional councilors “caused very serious damage”: “They damaged the good performance of the public administration, which loses, with the illicit conduct of its employees and public officials, credibility and reliability, inside and outside its organization, generating the belief that pathological conduct is a common feature of the administration’s action “
Mother this interpretation is strongly contested by the defense. According to the lawyers assisting the former advisers, the prosecutor’s demands are “exorbitant.” And the assessment of the damage done to the institution would be completely arbitrary. Regarding the publicity of the investigation, the first to be harmed were the politicians themselves: the dissemination of the news, the lawyers argue, would have already been an anticipation of the sentence, which at this point would run the risk of being duplicated.
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