Covide, if schools do not close in Rome, Umbria is ready to intervene: “Immediate order. Avoid closure”


“If the government does not do it, we do it ourselves, we can no longer waste time in Umbria as in the rest of the country.” The anger and pride of President Tesei was recorded in the buildings and in a videoconference with the other governors and the top of the Government. The will to react also to the cost of putting our face in an emergency that is global and certainly not only in our region is clear. The data of the pandemic have been alarming for days: only today more than 300 infected in Umbria, never so many. 70 percent of the positives are between 14 and 30 years old.

The reopening of schools, crowded vehicles, the return to the gym and a bit of nightlife … in short, the mid-September virus is on the legs of young people in the vast majority of asymptomatic cases. Then, however, it is the weakest, the sick, the elderly who pay the price, but not only because there are 40-year hospitalizations. For days also from Umbria, as from other regions, the cry has been issued: “Close schools and universities for 15 days. Close to avoid a social blockade, with full hospitals, which will lead to economic failure and social drama.” “. Close to reorganizing public transport, perhaps reducing the maximum capacity to 60 percent compared to available seats. The cry-request was again shouted today in the face of Minister Azzolina, who has no intention of leaving high school and rejects the accusations against the sender, instead advocating a curfew at 10 p.m.

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Hence the anger and pride of President Tesei: “We are ready to draft the rules to protect the health of the Umbrians. Ready to put our hand in restrictive ordinances for certain sectors but capable of guaranteeing rights, work and sociability.” But can it be done without the government pass? This time yes. As Campania shows, it has already closed schools. Even the Government, headed by Minister Speranza, reiterated that it will not stop the Regions if they enact restrictive ordinances with respect to national regulations. At 6pm, Premier Conte should speak about the new Dpcm. The governors wait to understand the devices and then make their own corrections. Meanwhile, Umbria said it was against a 10 p.m. curfew for bars and restaurants. In fact, there is a risk of concentrating in three hours too high a number of customers and difficult to track.
