A situation that greatly worries parents. Many complaints were received by the editorial staff of Capitalliterally inundated with positive case reports and students home alone at this school.
Parents asked to remain anonymous, meanwhile the capital has also contacted the school’s principal, the teacher. Antonella Conio, who reiterated that he had “amply illustrated the situation to the competent authorities and to decide we must wait for ASL 1”.
Of the 5 classes in quarantine, after the confirmed positivity of some children, it was necessary to attend again since yesterday. It was also reported that only one child appeared in class.
Another case was also registered in Torrione’s kindergarten, it is about a child and his parents, all positive for Covid 19.
“We are afraid – parents say – and we run into very incomplete communication. Among the various difficulties we are going through, the announcement of a class in quarantine was also late, so we send our children to school without being aware of presumptive positives.
Not only have positive cases of Covid 19 been found among students, but some have also been found among teachers and school staff.
“We don’t want to have children at home, but we want to be safe. Many of us can’t do smart work and we can’t take time off.. Not everyone has grandparents and babysitters available, especially school is critical to their growth. In any case, they must give us clarity and certain answers ”.
According to some parents, the school in question did not take the necessary measures.
“When someone gets sick, the secretary and the director are notified informally, so the manager recognizes it but does not realize it. It does not notify ASL 1 or the mayor and therefore no ‘shock therapy’ is taken. Parents are between the induction and the mantle, we are pointed out as reckless or denial if we take our children to school and in return as ‘crazy’ if we leave them at home ”.
“The situation has become unbearable – adds another mother – we do not have the tools to say whether the school should be closed or open. We only ask for greater transparency from the educational institution, the health institution and above all our administration. Here we are not talking about anguish but about a concrete danger to public health ”.