Covid, Zangrillo: “Berlusconi would have died in March-April, with his viral load”


“The viral load of the nasopharyngeal swab” performed on Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi “was so high that in March-April it certainly would not have had the result that it fortunately has now. Would she kill him? Absolutely yes, most likely yes, and she knows it.. And it is not a joke to exaggerate given the character of which we speak, but it is an attempt to remain adherent to reality. Say it was, in Piazzapulita, in La7, Alberto Zangrillo, head of intensive care at San Raffaele. The 83-year-old former prime minister has been hospitalized for days in Milan hospital due to bilateral pneumonia caused by Covid-19.

«The fundamental thing about the intervention in Berlusconi was not so much the therapy followed once he was admitted to the hospital, but the understanding that he had to go to the hospital and that he had to go there at that stage. Ten hours later, it might be too late, because he is a patient at risk for known causes ”, explained the doctor.

(Here is the explanation of what is bilateral pneumonia and why it is so risky)

According to Zangrillo, both the former prime minister and Flavio briatore, who is a friend of Berlusconi and Zangrillo, and who was struck by the same disease, «they are in more than satisfactory situations, they are fine. For them I believe that the epilogue of this disease is near ”. On Thursday, Zangrillo spoke of an “optimal response” to therapies by the founder of Forza Italia. In recent days, Berlusconi had defined the disease from which he was struck as “hellish.” “It is a terrifying virus that I do not wish on anyone, be careful with everything, always wear a mask and be reserved,” the former prime minister had recommended while speaking on the phone at the Forza Italia deputies meeting.

In a first phase, Zangrillo had stated that the former prime minister was “asymptomatic.” However, the situation had worsened, prompting the doctor to recommend that Berlusconi be admitted to the San Raffaele hospital.

Zangrillo – who in May had aroused a bitter controversy claiming that the virus “clinically no longer exists”, a phrase that in recent days defined “out of tune” – said that the virus Sars-CoV-2 ‘probably did not mutate, but it is probably adapting to the host differently. It is not necessary to generalize about therapies, nor that the most opportune attitude with certain drugs changes the final result. It is just another concept that is important. Observation and punctuality are essential. If the multidisciplinary teams of all Italian hospitals understand that something different happens in the interaction between the virus and the affected person, it does not mean that the virus is no longer there, but that it is manifesting itself in a different way.

In the former prime minister’s family, his children Marina, Barbara and Luigi also tested positive.

Article updating …

September 10, 2020 (change September 10, 2020 | 10:45 pm)

