The virus circulates in Sardinia. No one is immune and that is why we must all take precautions. Also not to overload a healthcare system that is almost exhausted. “Now we have the virus at home. We must be aware that the summer season has brought us the virus and we are living it day by day ”. The alarm is from Sergio Marracini
Director of the Covid Santissima Trinità Hospital in Cagliari, “none of us is immune and none of us is isolated from possible contacts and circulation. Without distinction of residence, profession and social class; in cities and in condominiums.
The actual number of positives is much higher than the official one because the people tested are only a small part. Friends, family and acquaintances: now all contacts are possible. Protection, with and towards anyone you know and frequent, is necessary to avoid the increase in the number of positives who were asymptomatic yesterday, today are symptomatic and tomorrow possible hospitalizations.
We cannot think of releasing the defense of our territory, now completely invaded, to the hospital and the health system.
Let’s not forget that, while the other regions had the summer break to reorganize the hospitals and the territorial system, in Sardinia we never had any break: when there were still patients from the “first wave” in the hospital, those from the “second”.
Health professionals of all levels and levels are very tired and emotionally drained. It must be supported and not surrounded in an attempt to find the culprit, as is often done in Italy.
It may seem trivial and repetitive, but it is important: 1) individual, responsible and common sense behavior, 2) the use of masks for the protection of oneself and others, 3) flu vaccination, 4) avoid both fearmongering and the damaging indifference, let’s lower the tone because the moment is difficult but we will go out anyway ”.