
According to the commissioner Domenico Arcuri Before the summer, Italy will have vaccinated everyone over the age of sixty: «Those over 80 are about 4 million and 400 thousand, from 60 to 79 there are about 13 million. Doses of vaccine that we would have will allow us in the second quarter of 2021, that is, immediately after the first wave, to conclude the vaccination for these people ”. But some questions remain in the background. One first: should those who have been infected in the past also be vaccinated? On this, the experts are divided. Another question: for pregnant women it is recommended to administer the vaccine anti COVID-19? The UK government, where the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been licensed in emergency mode, has published two articles recommending that women not get vaccinated during the pregnancy– Tests to date do not cover these categories of people.
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This is just one of the problems that scientists and health authorities around the world are taking into account these days. We are on the eve of a massive vaccination campaign unprecedented in history. Arcuri, speaking of the Italian plan, put forward the hypothesis of 1,500 points for vaccination in the full regimen, involving pediatricians, general practitioners and pharmacists. If the UK is already receiving the first vials produced in Belgium by Pfizer, Italy will wait for the EMA’s go-ahead in late December. It must be made clear. There is much talk about three vaccines: Pfizer and Moderna, which are also close to being licensed in the United States, and the product developed by Oxford and Irbm and marketed by AstraZeneca, which will arrive a few weeks late for further investigation. According to many experts in the first quarter of 2021 these three vaccines will be available, although yesterday the Wall Street Journal explained that Pfizer has cut the delivery target for 2020 by half, confirming, however, the one billion total doses (at the worldwide) by 2021.
Italy expects to receive 40 million doses from AstraZeneca, 6 from Moderna and 16 from Pfizer in the first six months of 2021 alone (of which 1.7 at the end of January). But there are three other vaccines, which are less talked about, for which Italy, as part of the European Union, has a choice. Observes Professor Giuseppe Ippolito, scientific director of Spallanzani in Rome, interviewed by Rai Radio 1: “If a certain type of vaccine does not work in a subject, it is likely that he can use a different one.” But what are the other three vaccines added to Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca? In total, 30.2 million doses of the Curevac vaccine were purchased in Italy (7.4 million already in the first half). It is a German company, whose vaccine (like Pfizer and Moderna) uses the innovative mRna technique. Compared to Pfizer, it is further behind, because the result of phase 2/3 is expected for the first quarter of 2021. Another option: 14 million doses are expected in Italy from the multinational Johnson & Johnson in the second quarter of 2021 and 32 in the third. The trial is in phase 3 (therefore, the final part), the result is expected for December-January, it is based on the use of an adenovirus. The tests involved the administration of a single dose, now they are testing two. Last candidate: the French giant Sanofi with the British Gsk. The plan looks to the second half of 2021, when, if experimentation is successful, 40 million doses will arrive. Phase 3 of the test is beginning.
In this scenario, Italy must also answer another question: 1.6 million people who have been or are currently positive, will they have to be vaccinated? There is no single answer. «I am of the idea – explains Professor Fabrizio Pregliasco, a virologist – that even those infected can receive the vaccine, because in any case it strengthens the immune response. We will also have to understand: is immunity sterilizing? If so, it is worth immediately vaccinating those who infect the most, the young, otherwise it is better to protect the weakest first ”. According to Ippolito “those who have had Covid should not be vaccinated because they have developed natural antibodies, in any case they will have to check their level”. Ippolito is skeptical of the hypothesis of vaccinating the young first to prevent the circulation of the virus: “We are in times of war and it is better to avoid deaths by vaccinating the elderly first.” Professor Matteo Bassetti, Head of Infectious Diseases in Genoa: “We must vaccinate both those who have never had Sars-CoV-2 infection and those who have already had it. So even those that already have antibodies because it is not known how long they last.
Covid vaccine, Ippolito (Spallanzani): “Those infected should not do it”
Check your body’s antibody level, if at all, and don’t get vaccinated against the new coronavirus. So says the scientific director of the Institute, those who have had it should not be vaccinated against the disease because they have developed natural antibodies, in any case they will have to check the level of these antibodies. And when these go down, a vaccine can be reconsidered ”.
Last updated: 22:55