Covid: White House could soon lift European ban – Last Hour


(ANSA) – NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 25 – The Donald Trump administration is evaluating the possibility of soon lifting the travel restrictions imposed on European visitors last March to stop the spread of the covid. The White House Coronavirus Task Force supports a plan to lift the entry ban that has been imposed on most non-U.S. Citizens arriving from Brazil, Great Britain and Ireland, Reuters reports. and 26 other European countries (including Italy). The relaxation would not apply to China and Iran.

Sources said the president did not make a final decision and the timing remains uncertain. Many administration officials argue that the restrictions no longer make sense as most countries in the world are not subject to entry bans. In addition, lifting the ban would provide a boost to troubled US airlines, which have seen international travel drop by 70%. One potential hurdle, however, is the fact that European countries are unlikely to immediately allow most Americans to travel to the continent. (HANDLE).