
While the high school graduates are questioning – with the urgent calls of the collegiate bodies, the consultations of the Local Health Authorities and the local authorities – to verify if they fall into those critical cases that lead to the use of the staggered schedules provided by the Dpcm of the October 18, some Regions, struggling with a worrying increase in positive cases in Covid, break the delay and impose distance education (renamed “integrated digital learning”): Lombardy and Piedmont (with 1,155 positive cases in just one month ), where the means of transport during rush hours transfer passengers, pass resolutions that ask high schools to use online teaching at home during half the weekly schedule.
Even the city of Bergamo Mayor Giorgio Gori anticipated that distance education will soon rise to 50%.
“We will see with the public transport agency if then it will be necessary to increase the supply of buses, which is already 20% higher today,” explained the mayor of Bergamo.

Emiliano writes to Azzolina
Other regions are also moving in this direction. The president of the Puglia region Michele Emiliano He sent a letter to the Ministry of Education in which he asked to “immediately adopt” forms of “flexible teaching activities in secondary schools”, otherwise “emergency measures” will be implemented locally. The president highlights the risk of spreading the infection due to the increased use of public transport in conjunction with the opening of schools. And it points out that to avoid damaging overcrowding, the conditions would exist for a special emergency measure.
In the letter, Emiliano explains that “taking into account the current trend of the epidemiological situation in Apulia, the particular risk of spreading the infection and the critical situations highlighted by the Department of Health of the Region, related to the significant increase in the use of public transport in conjunction with the opening of schools, I point out the urgency of adopting flexible ways in the organization of teaching activities, as required by the dpcm of October 18, 2020 (reprogramming of entry and exit times, digital teaching integrated, afternoon shifts), to be presented during the first useful meeting of regional and local coordination foreseen by the cd. “School Plan”, adopted by Ministerial Decree of June 26, 2020, n. 39 ″.
“In any case, to avoid peaks in the use of collective public transport and damaging overcrowding – Emiliano points out – there would be objective conditions for the adoption of a specific emergency measure, if these measures were not immediately adopted by the schools.”
In Sardinia, enough of foot travelers
Other regions are also adapting. How Sardinia, where the Region is expected to report any critical issues, such as triggering different check-in and check-out times. But we also think about the increase of means and careers at the service of schools. As it happened in Emilia Romagna, where public transport has increased by 120 cars.
Also in Sardinia, the Arst, which makes the extra-urban connections for the Region, has identified some directions on which to act by inserting the second bus at the same times: this is the case of Iglesias, in Sulcis, Senorbì, in the south of Sardinia and in the provinces. from Oristano and Sassari.
“There are about 30 races that can start immediately, some already this weekend, out of a hundred identified -explains Ansa the director of the ARST Carlo Poledrini- the objective is to try to avoid those situations in which travelers find themselves standing and that give the perception of overcrowding “.
And we are moving towards the implementation of services also in the metropolitan area of Cagliari with the Ctm, which serves the eight municipalities of the city wall. The company, after a discussion with the mayor Paolo Truzzu and the directors, decided to include “complements” in the careers dedicated to five institutes: Liceo Peretti, Liceo di Quartu, Agrario, Alberghiero and Scano di Monserrato.