In the last two weeks, Spain and Romania have been the nations with the most deaths from COVID-19. According to official data released by the European Union agency Ecdc (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control) in Spain, in the last two weeks, the incidence of deaths (per hundred thousand inhabitants) is 3.4, that of Romania is 3.2. The Czech Republic is also very bad, 2.5.
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The incidence figure is more reliable than the absolute figure because it takes into account the number of inhabitants. The photograph of the last two weeks serves to assess the progress of the epidemic. Italy, compared to these two countries, is currently in a considerably better situation: the death toll of 0.5 per 100,000 inhabitants, that is, one seventh of the Spanish.
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Also regarding the number of new cases, again referring to the last two weeks, a different speed of the epidemic is evidenced: in Spain there are 305 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, in Romania 128.6, in Italy 48.7 . Attention, however, if the Spanish data, during the two weeks, are among the highest in Europe, that of Romania is not so relevant and this nevertheless suggests, given the number of deaths, that it is not possible to intercept all the positive in there.
To understand: in terms of the number of cases in the last two weeks, after Spain follow the Netherlands (270.2), France (248.7) and Belgium (232.8): but the incidence of deaths is much lower than that of Romania (1.4, 1.1 and 1.1 respectively), a sign that the positive aspects are better identified than Romania. A very worrying speech aside for the Czech Republic: it has the highest number of new infections in Europe in the last two weeks (346.1 per hundred thousand inhabitants) and as mentioned also the number of victims is among the highest , 2.5.
In the comparisons between European nations, the relevant difference between two neighboring nations with daily connections draws attention: Portugal has a third of the cases and victims in Spain (this figure is always related to the number of inhabitants, it is clear, therefore it is clear that the situation in Lisbon is more controlled than in Madrid).
But where is Europe dying the least, again according to official data from the last two weeks? Having said that Italy, at least for now, has one of the lowest incidences, the best situation is in Sweden, Finland and Cyprus (0.1 victims per 100 thousand inhabitants), Germany and Norway are also very well (0, two). Iceland and Liechtenstein have zero casualties, but they are nations with very peculiar characteristics.
Finally, if we look at the total data, that is, since the beginning of the pandemic, Spain, France and the United Kingdom are the three nations that have registered the most cases, the United Kingdom, Italy and France the ones with the most victims.
Last updated: 13:01