Covid, we will not come out until the summer, the vaccine will help us ”. The three stages of arrival of the serum. “Veneto RT is going down”


Luca zaia in direct Also today. Thursday, December 10, for the latest updates coronavirus in Veneto. How are the infections going and what are the strategies to stop the pandemic? Meanwhile, it’s waiting for the change of band and color of the regions, although yesterday Dr. Francesca Russo stated that, according to the parameters seen, Veneto must stay in the yellow area. Zaia live anticipated good news: the Rt del Veneto is going down. The parameter, it must be remembered, is important to position yourself in the different risk bands.

the new ordinance of Veneto: it will be active from 24 to Friday, December 11 and presents some changes compared to the previous one, such as the anticipation of the moment, in bars, where customers have the obligation to sit at the table: from 11 in the morning. The “respect” section in supermarkets for people over 65 also changes: it will be from 10 to 12.

Zaia lives today


Molecular swabs made to date 2 million 941 thousand (20,117 in the last 24 hours), fast tet 1 million 241 thousand (about 37 thousand in the last 24 hours – which will not be in the national bulletin tonight). «In total there are about 57 thousand swabs with 7.27% of positives found in the swabs made. Most of the molecular swabs are used to confirm the rapid tests »- explained Zaia. 177 thousand positives since the start of the pandemic, +4,197 positives in the last 24 hours (about 500 are in November, uploaded yesterday by a private laboratory). To date, there are 83,137 Covid-positive citizens in the region. 3,222 hospitalized (357 in inensive therapy, +11 and 2,865 in non-critical area, +50). Total deaths 4551 (+148 in the last 24 hours). THE COMPLETE NEWSLETTER – READ ALL

Viruses with us until summer

When will the Covid epidemic end? It is impossible to say for sure, but President Zaia does not seem very optimistic although, as he anticipated during the live broadcast, “in the curves we have a timid recession and the Veneto RT is going down».

“We have grown slowly compared to other regions – he explained – but until we arrive in summer we will not go out, there is someone who still counts the stages. It doesn’t go away and come back, the virus, the vaccine will help us ». The vaccine will be a fundamental strategic weapon to combat the Coronavirus, but how will the administration work? “We will have 3 blocks – explained Zaia -: January March, health and rsa and super risk categories, March, June in the population with lower risk, June September where the vaccination of all Venetians should be closed. If we could vaccinate all citizen volunteers by September and we had reached an imported vaccination quota to constitute thegroup immunity, then we would also insure those who cannot be vaccinated for particular pathologies. And luckily the vaccine arrives, because people are not afraid like in March, we recorded a guard fallI don’t even want to think about what it would be like without the vaccine in the next few months.

The “health passport”
Airlines that reject the unvaccinated, the hypothesis of a health passport or a certificate for vaccinated citizens is increasingly realistic: “We should hypothesize an international certification to indicate who has been vaccinated and who has not. The famous “health passport” of which he spoke in unsuspecting times, “continued the governor.

“We have managed to accompany this phase without extreme restrictions, without the closure of boundaries and municipal activities. But we must avoid meetings so as not to bring the virus home and put our own lives and those of our loved ones at risk. The Christmas greetings are a moment of maximum social relation: put on a mask, even at the house of friends and family – Zaia urged again -. The virus was brought by airplanes, by merchandise, ‘said Zaia. In November we already had the virus, and not in January: all the theories of the experts are falling. Have you seen the case of the boy from Milan? It is the proven proof.

New Veneto ordinance

New ordinance of the Veneto region presented today directly by Governor Luca Zaia: this is what changes. “Principles are retaken – explained the president -: use of the mask and not to gatherings. Effective from Friday at midnight and expires when the Dpcm Government expires. Free choice general practitioners and pediatricians make swabs and are health authorities, we have also included them in this new ordinance. They are 88 thousand swabs made by doctors from November to today.


A client up to 40 square meters, in addition to employees, and more than 40 square meters one client for every 20 square meters of gross area.


Search for where possible The market perimeter has entry and exit points.


Starting at 11 in bars that are no longer consumed standing up, customers must be seated.

Recommended time for over 65s

The recommended time in supermarkets for people over 65 has been moved: from 10 to 12.

Padua Hospital

Apart from the live show, Zaia announced: «On December 7, we presented the authorization for the design competition – 481 million euros of work – the expected duration is 150 days, 120 days for the final project, another 120 executive days. .. 48 months to go, basically.

Last updated: 16:04

