Covid, we get infected while queuing for tampons: the alarm of the Milan ATS


People queuing for the Covid swab are at risk of contagion. A suspicion that is now openly declared by the highest health authority of the city, Vittorio De Micheli, director of Ats Milano Metropolitana, interviewed by Radio Popolare in the broadcast “Prisma”.

“One of the things that we have also seen in this last season is that excessive reliance on hyssop causes paradoxes,” De Micheli declares to radio microphones: “People do swabs and then continue to go out before the result, paradoxically the people get contaminated by queuing to get hyssop. ‘

Therefore, the point seems to be twofold: on the one hand, those who are waiting for the swab result (among other things, the result in Lombardy can now be consulted online) must stay at home in isolation; on the other hand, there is a risk that the tail of the tampon becomes a “meeting” and since among these people there are also statistically positive for Covid, this would translate into a risk of contagion.

A similar alarm for the queues at the drive-in, which paradoxically could become a “broadcast center” for Covid, was also recently launched by infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti, according to which one of the reasons for this “meeting” lies in the fact that too many Ask the GP to do a swab. Waiting hours can cause a “decrease in attention” on compliance with anti-contagion measures.

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Resumption of activity stronger than preventive measures

Returning to the director of the Milanese Ats De Micheli, also on the radio, he said that “this time it is not just a Milanese problem. When the pandemic started it did in Lombardy, we stopped, then when we resumed our activities, the infection spread throughout the country. During the minimum moment this summer, prevention activities were at their maximum power, in August we cushioned hundreds of thousands of travelers in Italy, in Milan almost 100,000 returned from vacation. The prevention activity was carried out to its full potential but the activities that were resumed were clearly more important than this attempt at containment. ‘
