Why do we relapse? Sometime when this emergency is over, Perhaps it is worth pausing to also consider how you have brought out the blind spots in the human mind.. Our inability to see what’s coming. Even when a minimally rational look would make it clear. Even when the experience should not leave us many doubts.
Instead, as Italians, almost everyone, including the government, surprised us once again by the exponential dynamics of recorded infections. We made the mistake that became general in the rest of Europe last March, the same one against which we warned our neighboring countries. “Do not think that the virus bites you less because you are handling it substantially better than us – we said in essence -. Be alert, because it is only ten days behind us in propagation. Italy was not immediately believed then. Many tacitly thought that we were overwhelmed because we were doing something wrong more than any other country. People began to change their minds when on March 18 France surpassed 1,400 official infections in 24 hours, a threshold that Italy had exceeded ten days earlier. Only then, too late, throughout Europe did it become clear that Italy was simply ahead on the same wave that was sweeping everyone away.
This experience should have helped us. However, Italians in summer fell into the illusion that we clearly read in others in spring. We convinced ourselves that we were better. We believed we knew how to handle with mastery – we more than many – a contagion whose dynamics nobody fully understands. We are grateful. We believed in the compliments of the World Health Organization, which on September 25 dedicated a celebratory video to the Italian response or to the Financial times who in those days explained how the “hard lesson” of our country “helps to keep the epidemic under control.” And we were amazed at the contagions in France or Spain, how those two neighboring countries similar to us made unthinkable mistakes in Italy. It was not so. This time they were just going forward and we were just going back. Spain passes the threshold of a thousand infections on July 10 that Italy passes on August 26. France passes on July 30 the 1,300 threshold that Italy passes on August 30. That day Spain is at an altitude of ten thousand and we are already there. This story should teach everyone, the government and the people, that courage and humility are the same.
October 17, 2020 (change October 17, 2020 | 22:58)