Covid, “we are worried, the situation is getting worse”: the governors of the North change their tone. “Red areas? Ready to intervene”


“If this growth, which took place in 10-15 days, does not find an acceleration in the response we risk being overwhelmed“: It seems that months have passed since the President of the Emilia Romagna Region Stefano bonaccini was used as testimonial for the social pages of Matteo salvini for his “common sense”. Instead, just a week ago the governor said that “we must reopen where we can.” Something has changed a lot in a few days. In fact, now Bonaccini points out that “the infection started much faster than before due to the variants”, pointing out that the English variant “almost seems to be a new virus by diffusion and age categories ”(which is not known as of today). But it is all the governors of the North who are almost more cautious than the central government, in the face of the Quick me worrying growth of infections, as the president of Veneto explained, Luca zaia: “At hospitals patients are admitted more quickly and admitted to the hospital just as quickly intensive care. We will see what the evolution will be also in light of these variants. We are worried“Even the Lombard governor Attilio fontana says he is willing to intervene: “Where dark orange situations are represented we apply them“. Your advisor Guido Bertolaso is even more explicit: “It seems to me that all of Italy, except Sardinia, is approaching with great strides towards the red zone“The President of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, announces other possible squeezes: “We have a situation that tells us that daily things are getting worse“.

In Emilia-Romagna Bonaccini has placed the red zone at Bologna me Modena, the dark orange a Ravenna, Cesena me Rimini. Additional restraining ordinances are also likely to be issued for the rest of Emilia, from Piacenza to Reggio Emilia. Regarding the Covid departments, in the Modenese they are busy 272 rooms of 358 available and the increase compared to the previous week is about a third. A third also in the Covid departments of the Bolognese, where 477 places of the 641 available are occupied. The situation, however, is even more serious in the intensive therapy: in Modena 47 places of the 52 occupied, while in Bologna they are occupied 80 of 85 seats. The meaning is that for Bonaccini “it is necessary to contrast and limit the contagion with more restrictive measures on the indications that the regional health system gives us. Without measures the curve would continue to grow. Compared to earlier times, the limitations of the classic orange zone. are not enough anymore, because of the speed with which the virus runs. We have to squeeze today and do it now to hope not to do it again later ”. “They are difficult decisions – he continues – I take full responsibility for them. We must act now in the face of a danger that has raised its head with the variants ”. “These are difficult days, the nightmare seems to return and never end. We have to attack the virus now ”, adds the president of Emilia-Romagna.

“If we were to see a part of some Province and something Common in particularly serious situations, we will intervene to try to take a useful measure to try to stop the pandemic, “Fontana said at the press conference in Pirellone. Regarding the possibility that Lombardy ends up in the red zone, he explains: “We have to wait for the CTS data to arrive and at that point we can do the evaluations of the case. We monitor the situation and try to intervene on a case-by-case basis. The data will tell us. At the moment, we are in orange zone with others areas in orange strengthened. “

“The numbers of pre-report they will arrive tonight. The values ​​are in the intensive therapy that ordinary are still below the threshold, although registering a increase. For this reason, as we have started to do with the red areas and we will do it again in the next few days, we must be prepared to intervene surgically where necessary ”, says Cirio about the hypothesis of a Piedmont in the red zone. “We are dealing with data that we have been monitoring for weeks,” he observes, “for which the health system has prepared. Today, however, we must also know how to make containment decisions. what are necessary“. What worries, reiterates the Piedmontese governor, is the English variant: “At this point, half of the cases in Piedmont – remember – are of the English variant, which is carried out more, is faster and then he asks you anticipate the most that you would have adopted with another timeline talking about ‘traditional’ Covid. “

Zaia also follows the same line: “We have parameters that indicate the risk of a transition to orange zone“, It is the analysis of the governor of Veneto, for whom” it is undeniable that for some days there has been a increase of the cases. We are in the trenches – admits – and the near future can be reserved just a climb and not a decrease. “For this reason it was decided to carry out” a follow-up that will evaluate the incidence also at the municipal level to know the evolution hour after hour, verify if there may be leopard spots linked to the virus and evaluate this incidence accordingly ”.
