Covid, we are already in automatic blocking


Rome – Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte could announce the new second blockade as early as Wednesday, setting November 9 as the start date for the new Italian quarantine. An unfortunate hypothesis for the government but perhaps inevitable. Responsible citizens have already placed themselves in a kind of self-locking, avoiding social contacts and restricting them to those necessary.

But what is self-locking? “Limit movements and contacts as much as possible by, for example, going shopping only once a week. The family member who goes shopping must be attentive and monitored to immediately detect the appearance of any symptoms related to Covid. Sociability with friends and family at home should be avoided. “This is the automatic blocking recipe proposed by Silvestro Scotti, general secretary of the Italian Federation of General Practitioners. Obviously, he clarifies,” we must preserve work activities but everything others, that is, what is not necessary, at this time must be sacrificed in the name of public health ”.
