«The walk with the cane may increase the risk of getting COVID-19 78% “. This is supported by a Spanish study. Researchers from the University of Granada and the Andalusian School of Public Health conducted a survey in Spain of 2,086 people, 41% of whom were between 40 and 54 years old. what they did during the pandemic and whether they contracted virus, then the researchers compared the results to understand which behaviors or activities were most at risk.
Covid, the first infection a year ago in China. Health, work, affections: this is how our life has changed
Covid, the alarm of doctors: “Hospitals will collapse in two weeks”
– Cristina Sánchez González (@crissg_gr) April 28, 2020
And give
The Spanish researchers found that 98 people interviewed contracted Covid, which is equivalent to 4.7% of the sample examined. Among the behaviors and activities considered to be the highest risk are the delivery of groceries from the supermarket at home, which increases the risk by 94% and is considered more dangerous than going to the supermarket and then walking the dog. Walking the dog, according to the Spanish study, can increase the risk of contracting the coronavirus by 78%.
“The results of our research point to an increase in infection among dog owners,” confirms Professor Cristina Sánchez González. This is because, according to the study, dogs could spread the virus by touching contaminated surfaces. However, it is not yet clear or proven how many animals can transmit the virus to humans.
New article published in Environmental Research: “The spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain: hygienic habits, sociodemographic profile, mobility patterns and comorbidities”. @PilarArandaUGR @mjsanchezperez @mrbarranco @crissg_gr https://t.co/mvSDErVSNg pic.twitter.com/2tIcYX4vmM
– Daniel Redondo Sánchez (@dredondosanchez) September 28, 2020
The Spanish researchers said that dog owners should pay special attention to hygiene when walking the dog, especially when returning home. “In the midst of a pandemic and in the absence of an effective treatment or vaccine,” says Cristina Sánchez González, “preventive hygiene measures are the only salvation and these measures should also be applied to dogs that, according to our study, seem to increase directly or indirectly the risk of contracting the virus.
The study was published in the journal Environmental investigation.
Covid, doctors alarm: “Hospitals collapse in two weeks”
“The figures are the same. There is a slowdown in hospitalizations, but it is not like preventing the health system from spiraling out of control. In two weeks, with this growth rate, in hospitals, in many regions, there will be problems considerable “. .
Last updated: 13:52