From Wuhan, where the pandemic likely began, news comes that three samples taken from imported frozen food packages tested positive for the new coronavirus. This was stated by the municipal health commission.
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According to the commission, two samples were taken from a refrigerated frozen meat warehouse in Brazil and the third from another frozen fish warehouse in Vietnam. Local authorities sealed the products and carried out molecular swabs to personnel who had direct contact with the food, placing them in quarantine. All results so far have been negative. The frozen food shipments from which contaminated samples were taken had not been marketed.
China has stepped up its efforts to block the spread of Covid-19 through imported food. In mid-November, the Ministry of Transport published a set of guidelines to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 through frozen food imported by road and water transport. The State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism against Covid-19 also presented a plan to implement a traceable, closed-loop management throughout the chain of imported frozen foods.