Covid, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Friuli agree on a closure to avoid the orange zone, Trentino hopes


Hospitals suffer and deaths rise: yesterday 580 against 356 the day before but the infection curve, yesterday 35,098, slows down for the first time.

The government wants to verify if the zone system works.

As of today in Italy there are four red regions (Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Calabria and the autonomous province of Bolzano who, in addition, has autonomously decided more grips) and seven oranges (Puglia, Sicily, Liguria, Tuscany, Abruzzo, Umbria and Basilicata), the other yellow.

But 4 other regions are at stake: the presidents of Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Emilia Romagna will together evaluate the possibility of tightening the restrictions. Campania remains under the judge, where President Vincenzo De Luca continues to reiterate that for his region there is no decision to make.

As is well known, Trentino is also making an effort to avoid a worsening of the situation, with the consequent passage to the orange zone, as the president himself, Maurizio Fugatti, explained to the Adige.

Stefano Bonaccini, Massimiliano Fedriga and Luca Zaia are studying a common ordinance to avoid going from the yellow band to the orange or red one.

The idea is to autonomously introduce more restrictive measures in the three regions of those already in force: restrictions on mobility and against meetings.

It does not seem that Trentino, which borders the Veneto region, has decided to join this election to anticipate new risks. But it may be that in the coming days the choice of autonomous restrictions will become mandatory, to avoid the sword of Damocles in the orange zone, which would imply significant limitations, even in travel and commercial activities.

Yesterday the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, wanted to inquire about the evolution of the situation by calling Governor Luca Zaia. “The head of state called me to ask for information on how things are going. I appreciated the interest, I spoke extensively about the situation, the concern that the behavior of a few has, that affects the situation of many ”, said Zaia.

The head of the Venetian junta has confirmed that he is working to agree with neighboring regions, currently still in the yellow band, an online order on restrictive measures, non-coercive, which can be especially helpful for healthcare professionals.
“It will be an ordinance – he specified – with good practices as far as possible, to avoid that if we close the shopping centers here, beyond the border with Friuli Venezia Giulia or Emilia-Romagna there is no island of salvation.”

We have seen phenomena, especially on weekends, where actually before 6 pm and therefore before the closing of the premises “there were more people standing, nearby and without a mask.” This is an aspect that “concerns us. We will try to limit it, “explained the president of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga, to the microphones of Radio Capital, announcing” measures that can reduce social gatherings. “
«A hypothesis – explained Fedriga – may be the obligatory drink sitting and see whether to limit the number of people sitting at the same table, as required by the dpcm but in a smoother way. Our goal is not to weigh more on economic activities.

Because, speaking of health protection, “also in the economy – he observed – there is a good part of health, because it brings food. For this we need balance ”.
And as for the latest government decisions, he concluded, “it would have given compensation that cannot be dictated by a simple mathematical calculation, but there must also be a political option behind it.”

“Right now we must be precise in our interventions: my concern is not to make difficult decisions, but to make difficult decisions that are useful,” he added.

Zaia also yesterday did not stop relaunching criticism of Rome’s attitude: “The government has taken an absolutely centralist and top-down approach, since it has adopted this dpcm policy depriving the Regions from day one. We always claim autonomy, obviously we also need synthetic action at the national level, because we go beyond regional borders. We will adopt new restrictive measures, which obviously will not affect companies, and we will do so with total autonomy.
