Covid Veneto, 5,010 infections and 94 deaths: the bulletin


Covid Veneto, 5,010 infections and 94 deaths: the bulletin

There are 5,010 coronavirus infections reported in Veneto today, December 25, according to data contained in the Civil Protection bulletin published by the Ministry of Health. Since yesterday there have been another 94 deaths, bringing the total to 5,953 since the start of the emergency linked to the epidemic. The new patients are 21,553, a total of 141,454. The current positives are 87,385, with a decrease of 16,637.

ZAIA – “It is a different Christmas, the saddest I remember. A very serious pandemic forces us to renounce love, tradition, the most authentic spirit of the holidays, which is to find ourselves in the family.” The governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia writes on facebook.

Today I am thinking in particular of those who struggle in hospitals, of our health personnel who for 10 months have faced the hardships and risks of Covid, but also of all those who – sick – suffer physical pain and loneliness to recover and return home . also to the elderly in our nursing homes, to all those who are in home isolation due to the effects of the infection, to those who this year have lost their jobs or have seen the hardships of a life compromised. greater, but above all a commitment: the pandemic will come out if we all want to go in the same direction ”, he adds.

“We work for this, on behalf of all those who have not done it and those who are enduring sacrifices to achieve it. Let us unite in this common goal – he writes – with the pride of being Venetians, a people that historically has faced wars.” , privations, sacrifices and he has always recovered, strong as the lion of our flag. Merry Christmas to all! ”.

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