Covid, Vatican: “Morally acceptable to use vaccines that use cells from aborted fetuses”


the Vatican gives the green light, in this time of pandemic, to vaccines produced using cell lines from two fetuses aborted in the 1960s. In a note signed by the Cardinal Prefect Luis Ladaria and the secretary monsignor Giacomo Morandi, approved by the Pope on December 17, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith called it “morally acceptable to use i Vaccines for COVID-19 that used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process “, yes” vaccines against COVID-19 ethically irreproachable. “Therefore, in the case of the current pandemic, “You can use all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective with some awareness that the use of such vaccinations it does not mean a formal cooperation in abortion from which the cells with which the vaccines were produced are derived ”.

the document, published as many countries are preparing to implement Bell vaccinations, intervenes in an authorized way to clarify doubts and questions that arose from sometimes contradictory statements on the subject. The note “in morality the use of some vaccines anti-covid 19“Remember three previous pronouncements on the same subject: that of Pontifical Academy for Life (Pav) from 2005; the Instruction of the Cdf Dignitas Personae of 2008, and finally a new note of the Pav of 2017.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does not “pretend to judge the safety ed effectiveness“Of the current vaccines against COVID-19, which is the responsibility of researchers and pharmaceutical agencies, but focuses on the moral aspect of using those developed with tissue cell lines obtained from two fetuses abortiti not spontaneously over the years Sixty the last century. The Dignitas instruction Person, approved by Benedict XVI, specified in this regard that “there are different responsibilities”, because “in companies that use cell lines of illicit origin, the responsibility of those who decide the direction production against those who do not have decision-making power ”.

And for this reason, argues the note published today, taking up the 2008 Instruction, when for various reasons there are no vaccines against Covid-19 “ethically impeccable “ is “morally acceptable” get vaccinated with those who used cell lines from aborted fetuses. The reason for agreeing is that cooperation The evil of abortion, in the case of those who are vaccinated, is “remote” and the moral duty to avoid it “is not binding” – argues the Congregation – if we are in the presence of “a serious danger, such as the spread, of what irrepressible opposite, of a serious pathogen “which is the virus that causes Covid-19. Therefore, it should be taken into account, clarifies the Cdf, which “in this case all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective with a certain awareness that the use of such vaccinations I don’t mean one formal cooperation to the abortion from which the cells with which the vaccines were produced derive ”.

The Cdf, while remembering that “the vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary ”, also underlines the duty to pursue the common benefit. This common good, “in the absence of other media to stop or just to prevent the epidemic, I can recommend the vaccination, especially to protect the majority weak ed exposed “. Those who for reasons of conscience refuse to vaccinations products with lines mobile phones coming from aborted fetuses, however, they must “do everything possible to avoid, with other means and prophylactic behavior suitable, to become vehicles of transmission of the infectious agent “. To avoid” any risk to the health “of the most vulnerable people. Finally, the first Holy office defines “a moral imperative” to ensure that “effective as well as ethically acceptable vaccines” are accessible “even to the poorest countries and in a way that is not burdensome for them”, because lack of access to vaccines “is it would become another reason for discrimination and injustice. “
