Covid vaccines in Trentino, first health workers and elderly at risk. And all the others? “Just before 2022”


Starting today 4,500 doses of vaccines are expected per week in Trentino for a total of 18 thousand for the month of January to complete the first phase for health professionals and RSA, estimating that there is a massive adherence, although they are not provided by the moment. data from the health authority on the percentage of health personnel actually affected The number of doses is that requested by Trentino from the Ministry of Health, estimating the needs of the personnel.

But how can other people from Trentino who intend to get vaccinated themselves book? And will the vaccine be accessible to everyone or only to a part of the population?

We will have to be patient, because the time for widespread vaccination has not yet come and it is not even certain that it will be possible in 2021.

In fact, priority is given above all to the elderly and the most vulnerable, as Antonio Ferro, director of health and of the Prevention Department of the Sanitary Company explains: “We will dedicate the month of January to health personnel, so our intention , giving priority to the categories at risk, is to proceed with the vaccination of the rest of the population ”.

Therefore, it is unlikely that in the next year it will be possible to go beyond vaccination of the categories considered priority.

Dr. Ferro, you have also started the vaccination campaign in Trentino, but who is not a health worker or RSA guest when you can start getting vaccinated?

Once the health workers are completed, we will start with the elderly and then with those under 70 years of age, who, however, have immunosuppressive pathologies or other diseases that are around 25-30 thousand and which are what the Prevention Department usually also invite by letter for flu vaccination. We will open an agenda that can be reserved by Copa operators, regarding the good experience for the tampon. These people can book the vaccination with a code and go to our vaccination points.

And all the others? How will citizens know that it is possible to start booking?

For the rest of the citizens we will carry out a great information campaign when the time comes, but always indicating priorities among the population, indicating various categories, for example those who work in the school world, in activities in contact with people from the main office or the police and fire forces, who obviously have a higher risk of contagion.

Are the priorities among the population defined at the national level and do you have to stick to them or can you make different decisions at the local level?

I hope that the priorities will be defined centrally because in this way we can move more quickly, as well as for the circular on vaccination against influenza.

Also, because these priorities are tied to how many doses they have to send you on the go, is that correct?

Sure, the vaccines you need will be shipped.

But about the quantity, are you sure that the required number of doses will arrive or is there a risk that in the end they will not be enough?

I would say that we are calm because the doses of vaccines have been reserved at the national level and with the quantities reserved there is coverage for all priority categories. So, we have seen that in a healthy person under 65-70 years it is always a bad flu but it is not as devastating as it is for the elderly for whom we know that for every 100 affected elderly we have 5-6 who die and one large chunk who end up hospitalized.

So the elderly and people under the age of 70 who have diseases, when can you vaccinate them?

I think June 2021. And then the other categories, even if we don’t have all the vaccine dose arrival times yet, but this is what I expect as other vaccines are also arriving besides the one from Pfizer-BionTech .
