Which vaccine against Covid have bought the different states? Currently, laboratories around the world are working to produce antidotes capable of definitively eradicating the coronavirus, but only a few of these, around a dozen, have reached phase 3 of experimentation, while others have already been administered such as that of Pfizer in UK It’s of Sinopharm in China.
Soon also in Europe could start bulk administration, most likely in January, with the aim of reaching the much desired group immunity To finally get back to normal, meanwhile, governments around the world have been organizing for months to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines.

Covid vaccine, which one have different countries bought?
Now there is little toapproval of the main candidates from various pharmaceutical companies, and states around the world have already begun to sign agreements with various companies to obtain the vaccine. These are the serums that the different countries bought.
European Union
L ‘European Union has entered into agreements with ben 6 pharmaceutical companies, that is to say AstraZeneca, Sanofi-Gsk, Johnson and Johson, Pfizer me CureVac, e Modern. Not long ago, the old continent secured the supply of 300 million doses of the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech, which proved to have a95% efficient. The United Kingdom has already started with the administration, while for the rest of Europe we will have to wait for the green light of the EMA, scheduled for December 29.
Even the U.S they decided to trust Pfizer, which is based in the US Once approval is obtained from the Food and Drug Administration, vaccinations will begin across the country, which could begin next Monday. In addition to the Pfizer candidate, the United States has also signed agreements with Moderna, so much so that the new president has set an ambitious goal: to achieve 100 million vaccines against Covid within the first 100 days of the presidency.
United Arab Emirates
the United Arab Emirates officially registered the vaccine from the Chinese pharmaceutical giant Sinopharm, which has been shown to be 86% effective according to the analysis of the phase 3 clinical trial. The phase 3 trial in the Gulf country began last July, and in September the administration to healthcare professionals.
To stop the advance of the coronavirus theArgentina decided to focus on the Russian vaccine, Sputnik V, which has already been administered in Moscow. Argentine President Alberto Fernández said he had reached an agreement with Russia that guarantees the supply of the vaccine to its citizens, adding that “Many criticize the quality of the Russian vaccine. I have no doubt that it is of the highest quality. I’ll be the first to get vaccinated “. In Argentina’s portfolio they also rush with AstraZenaca and with Covax.
L ‘Egypt decided to trust the Dragon, receiving an initial supply of Chinese Sinovac Vaccine. Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed commented on the matter during a press conference and stated that it is a historical day. Egypt will start with the administration of the vaccine after a hierarchy, where healthcare workers and the elderly and people with chronic diseases are at the top.
Even the Brazil I trusted the candidate if Sinovac. The director of the Biomedical Institute of Butantan, Dimas Covas, hopes that vaccinations can begin now as of January, immediately after approval by the regulatory body. However, approval is not a foregone conclusion, as an accident occurred last November that forced the suspension of clinical trials. Brazil has rejected the Pfizer vaccine be skeptical about their storage and distribution, which requires the use of special refrigerators.

L ‘Israel Decided to choose the vaccine Pfizer. 100,000 vaccines have already arrived in Tel Aviv, and the Israeli government has already signed agreements with the American pharmaceutical company that will allow half the population to inoculate the vaccine, that is, 4 million people. The administration is expected to begin on December 27, following the FDA’s green light.
Also there Turkey focuses on the East, choosing the vaccine produced by Sinovac. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that the first 3 million doses will go to health personnel. By December 20 million doses will reach the country, as many in January and finally 10 in February.