Covid vaccine, Tuscany expects 135 thousand doses. We started with RSA and healthcare personnel


The arrival of the vaccine to Careggi (photo Marco Mori / New Press Photo)
The arrival of the vaccine to Careggi (photo Marco Mori / New Press Photo)

Florence, December 28, 2020 – The campaign of vaccination of the Tuscany region against COVID-19 comes alive. After day V on Sunday, vaccination starts from the highest risk categories: the Old people and the health personnel from Covid departments.

In the coming days, RSA guests will be the first to be vaccinated, as soon as the next 27,500 planned doses arrive: in fact, the Region is awaiting confirmation from the supplier on the exact delivery times. The schedule sent by the commissioner’s structure Bows anticipates that between now and January 26 they will arrive in Tuscany 135 thousand doses of vaccine.

Vaccination of RSA hosts is expected to be completed within the first ten days of January. Instead, the Residences staff will receive the vaccine together with the rest of the health hospital staff. In parallel, as of January 1, the staff of the Covid hospital departments will be vaccinated, for which the schedule of administrations will be defined by appointment in the coming days.

“Every day we can win – declares the President of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani – It will help us to get closer as soon as possible to the objective we want to achieve: defeat the virus in order to carry out all the activities that belong to a community with safety and responsibility. We choose to start from the trenches of the most fragile people, who have paid a very high price for the pandemic: an ethical choice, as well as a health policy ”.

“We constantly work to define every detail of the entire operation – explains the Councilor for Health Simone bezzini – and respond efficiently and timely to the constantly evolving scenario. We are ready and have chosen to start with the elders of the RSA, the most fragile subjects in our community. The regional health service is showing the maximum commitment and team spirit, I thank everyone for the extraordinary effort they are making ”.

“It’s fair to go – these are the words of the social councilor Serena spinelli – to protect the most vulnerable people, the elderly guests of the RSA who are among the most affected since the start of the pandemic and who have paid a very high price in terms of human lives. At the same time, the complex operational machine called to manage a vaccination campaign of unprecedented proportions is called to be activated from the next few hours, to ensure the best possible performance of the first phase of real vaccination against Covid-19. For this I thank all the operators of the system for their work, the voluntary associations and the managers of the Tuscan RSA for the collaboration they are offering in this important phase ”.
