Rome, December 27, 2020 – Claudia Alivernini, Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, Omar Altobelli, Alessandra Vergori and Alessandra D’Abramo. Nurse, virologist, health worker and two doctors respectively. These are the names of the vaccinated for the first time at the Spallanzani hospital in Rome: almost exactly one year after the hospitalization of the two Chinese spouses, the first cases in Italy of Coronavirus, the doors of the Roman hospital have been reopened but this time to let the Pfizer with the first doses of vaccine. It started today in Italy (here the different cities: Bologna, Milan, Florence) the European ‘Vaccine-day’ and it was the Minister of Health Roberto hope remember “When they phoned me to warn me that the first 2 Chinese citizens had been hospitalized in Spallanzani, Italy for tourism, with the suspicion of having contracted Covid.” Today we have advanced and “this vaccine is necessary because it is the real way to close this difficult season“.” I believe – continued Speranza – that even on this occasion the Italian citizens will be up to the challenge that we have in front of us. “So that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but” it will still take weeks of work “, stressed the minister. -. We will have to resist and fight with the tools that we have learned in recent weeks ”.
V-day for only 9 thousand, we are the last in Europe
Covid, Garattini promotes Pfizer: Safe Serum. “Reactions like in the flu shot”
Covid, Astrazeneca vaccine in the UK as of January 4. “95% effective”
Naples, the governor of Luca received the vaccine
On this historic day, “vaccine science has dealt a severe blow to the virus,” Francesco said. Wow, medical director of the Inmi Spallanzani in Rome -. Health workers who were vaccinated today gave a testimony of love for the country “. Vaia also reminds citizens that they should not lower their guard, we must continue to follow the rules that we have set for ourselves ”. And the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, Domenico Bows, underlines to “deceive ourselves that everything is over, we must be prudent, patient and responsible”, specifying that “for theFall we hope to achieve thegroup immunity, with 80% of Italians vaccinated. And at that time we will really be out of the tunnel. “For now” be responsible – added Arcuri, but know that the vaccine exists and calmly and patiently. we will be able to do it at all“he continued, assuring that” we will all come out of this long night. “
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter of December 27. Region by region data
“Today there isItaly wake up. It’s #VaccineDay, “the prime minister wrote on Twitter. Giuseppe Conte. And he adds: “This data will stay there printed forever. Let’s start with health workers and the most fragile groups and then extend the possibility of achieving immunity and defeating this virus to the entire population ”.
In fact, what will happen now? “We will vaccinate another 25 health workers Spallanzani who, with the 5 already vaccinated this morning, will become the vaccinators who in the afternoon will administer the vaccine to 50 doctors and 50 nurses ”, explained Vaia. The doctors and nurses who will be vaccinated in the early afternoon are operating at the Uscar. from Lazio and among them will also be Pier Luigi Bartoletti, head of Uscar. “If the other vaccines arrive on time -concludes Vaia-, and next week we could start vaccinating first patients of Spallanzani ”.
A nurse the first vaccinated in Tuscany: “What a thrill”
Claudia, the first vaccinated nurse
“With deep pride and sense of responsibility I received the vaccine, I am here as a citizen and a nurse, representing all the health professionals who have decided believe in scienceThis was stated by Claudia Alivernini, the first nurse vaccinated against Covid in Italy, immediately after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer Biontech vaccine at the Spallanzani hospital in Rome. the beginning of the emergency in the front line, “he added, recalling:” It was painful to witness the defeats caused by the virus but today is an important and decisive day, science and medicine are the only means together with the civic sense of everyone. that will allow us to emerge victorious from this tough battle. ”“ I say it with my heart – concluded the 29-year-old nurse – let’s all get vaccinated. For us and for the community. “
Covid vaccine, the first administrations in Florence
Omar, the first man to receive the drug
“I feel excitedand very well physically “.social health operator Omar Altobelli, only man to be vaccinated first in the top five this morning at Spallanzani. “I had the vaccine to protect myself because if I’m okay I can be sure that even those close to me are okay. We hope we have been an example for everyone ”, said interviewed by Sky Tg24. “Now dealing with Covid patients will be different. Definitely a start today message of hope and trust in science since the vaccine exists today, we look to the future in a much more positive way, in a positive way ”.
Covid, Matteo Bassetti: “They gave me the vaccine. I am very happy”
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Claudia AliverninI, the first nurse to receive the vaccine (Ansa)
Alessandra Vergori (infectious disease physician), Alessandra D’Abramo (infectious disease physician), Omar Altobelli (health social worker – OSS), Maria Rosaria Capobianchi (biologist, microbiology and virology) and Claudia Alivernini (nurse) are the names of the top five health professionals from the Lazzaro Spallanzani National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Rome
Vax Day, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri at the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome (Ansa)
Spallanzani Institute of Rome (Ansa)
It’s Vax’s day in Italy (Ansa)
Vax Day, the emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri and the governor Nicola Zingaretti at the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome (Ansa)
V-Day, Domenico Arcuri (Ansa)
Claudia Alivernini, the first nurse to receive the vaccine (Ansa)
It’s Vax’s day in Italy (Ansa)