Covid vaccine, text messages in Lombardy with an invitation to book. In Lazio the record of doses already administered –


Health care priority

The vast majority of those vaccinated are health and social-health workers who clearly prevail over the elderly in RSA residences. As expected, priority is given to healthcare professionals to reach Covid-free hospitals that are not affected by staff shortages caused by the unavailability of infected doctors and nurses and that guarantee patients safe care. We wonder about the beginning of the second phase, about the population outside hospitals and Rsa, starting with those over 80 years of age.

Administration by family doctors

Will the vaccination have to be reserved? How will the administration be carried out? Will it be necessary to personally go to a clinic or a viewpoint marked with primrose, the flower chosen to identify the vaccination campaign? Commissioner Domenico Arcuri has not given directions to the Regions. The strategy will depend since type of vaccine available to march when the massive campaign could begin. In Lazio D’Amato plans to involve family doctors and pharmacists, for a total of 6 thousand administration points, if at that stage you will be able to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine that requires storage in a refrigerator at 2-8 degrees below zero. In this case, the reserve and call would work the same as for the flu shot. And of course we could also count on vaccinated people who have been trained throughout Italy to carry out this task. At the moment, there are no phenomena of objection to the vaccine that give rise to concern.

SMS in Lombardy

In Lombardy (approximately 2,170 administrations and the apparently insufficient number depends on the different delivery dates of the lots to the Regions) phase 2 is being planned. The invitation to get vaccinated could come by text message, just reply to make an appointment. Giacomo Lucchini, the regional operational manager of anti-Covid vaccination has clear ideas: we cannot think about reaching ours 9 million Lombard citizens by letter. We plan to cross-check data from health records with family doctors, telephone operators, and local authorities to identify the phone number of people to whom we propose prophylaxis. More problematic will be for the elderly who can be contacted through the child, the family or the Municipality. But is there a national plan? We are waiting for the commissioner of the new software that will allow us to organize this work. We hope that all the regions move forward together, Lucchini hopes.

January 1, 2021 (change January 1, 2021 | 13:02)

