
Compulsory vaccination for teachers, yes or no? The debate came to life with the launch of the vaccination campaign. Preferential lane for school personnel? The calendar sets dosages for teachers and ATAs no earlier than spring, amid the reopening of high schools on January 7 for 50% of students.
The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, just two days ago assured that “the vaccine is free for everyone” and “the state will distribute it.” We have chosen, like all other EU countries, the path of volunteering ”, with the warning that other paths will be decided during the campaign.
However, today there is a debate about its mandatory nature and what a rejection by school personnel may imply. The debate was opened as a result of the declarations of the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, who considers that teachers are required by “common sense”.
The Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, does not rule out the mandatory nature of the vaccine in the future, “We have a duty to make collective decisions and we will take them in light of how this information campaign will be. In the end, I do not rule out the obligation ”, he explained.
Along the same lines, the coordinator of the CTS Agostino Miozzo: “A health worker must be vaccinated”, underlines Il Messaggero, “I would go even further – he adds -. I think of all the public structures, the schools, those that work in contact with many people ”.
The national spokesman for the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni believes “that there are some categories in which the discussion on the mandatory nature of the vaccine against the virus should not be a taboo”, referring in particular to the world of health and schools.
Can school personnel refuse to be vaccinated if necessary? The answers to Orizzonte Scuola are Pietro Ichino, jurist and associate professor of Labor Law at the University of Milan: “if vaccination is available, the school administration may require vaccination as a safety measure, in the interest of the students’ fellow teachers The teacher who refuses to comply with this provision, if it is given by those who have the power / duty, can agree to be suspended from teaching (without salary) until the end of the pandemic; otherwise, they can be fired “. .
Preferred lane for teachers and ATA?
Obligation or not, from the union front everyone seems to agree on the priority that will be given to the teachers and staff of the ATA in the first tranche. “The teachers, the Ata staff and the school world are in the trenches,” warns Elvira Serafini, Snals general secretary. “They have constant contact with a large audience who, when they return home, take the virus for a walk. Let us consider the entire world of education at risk and work so that these workers are vaccinated immediately: in spring it is too late ”, he adds.
Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief, argues that “the vaccine should not be mandatory for public employees but should represent an opportunity to join voluntarily”, but in any case “among the priority categories together with health personnel , the school should be included because more risk of public contacts “.
Maddalena Gissi, who runs the CISL School, also puts her hands on: “In the vaccination plan, the teachers who have to sit the state exams must first of all have priority, to ensure attendance at the final exams.”
“Absolutely in favor of vaccination”, the directors. “It is above all a question of civilization”, says Antonello Giannelli, president of the PNA, who launches an appeal: “vaccinate, it is important and it is a statement, an act of common sense and I cannot imagine who among teachers, directors and the school personnel may be against it ”.