In seven days begins the largest and hopefully fastest drug delivery campaign Italy has ever attempted. It is one of the largest and most complex healthcare operations in Republican history. in an exhausted country after almost a year of pandemic. There are almost sixty million people to locate, arrive and convince to go to the administration centers in order of age, health conditions and occupational exposure to the risk of contagion by Covid-19. There is still the prejudice of that 41% of the population who, in a survey by the Catholic University last May, said they were not willing to be vaccinated. Whatever happens, there will also be tens of millions of people who will be adequately and understandably informed, one by one, to sign an inoculation consent that will be neatly filed. Then there will be a national digital information system – the vaccination registry – that will be built from scratch and put into operation in a few months: it is necessary to know the age and health history of each one, as well as the date on which did or should. vaccine. But above all, it remains to be released one of the most complex logistical and administrative missions nationwide in recent years – a literally vital mission – with twenty-one profoundly different health systems in the autonomous regions and provinces.
It can work, and booking requests for the initial wave of December and January (1.8 million hospital or nursing home staff and their guests) indicate high adherence: about 80% of those who qualify, compared to an average of less than two-thirds when a vaccine is offered. But this is just the beginning. Very little in the performance of one of the countries in the world with the most deaths from Covid-19 in relation to the inhabitants, allows us to be certain that everything will be fine. What is at stake is not only the health of Italians, but the territorial stability of the nation: if the northern regions carried out vaccinations on time, but some southern areas did not, the economy would restart only in the former and the gap with the latter would become colossal.
This risk was in the air on Friday when Luca Zaia intervened in a session of the State-Regions Conference convened to prepare the entire process, after the European acceleration in recent days. The Veneto president of the Northern League stated that the digital vaccination registry of your region is already very complete and efficient, much more than a national version that would start from scratch. Alessio D’Amato, Minister of Health of Lazio (Pd), also recalled that his administration already has this platform. Some Southern Regions have it incomplete or on paper, so in fact it is impossible to consult.
In the last hours a compromise seems to emerge proposed by the structure of commissioners created in Civil Protection: with the support (pro-bono) of Eni’s computer systems, it should be possible to create a single central platform, but open to the integration of the subsystems of the best equipped Regions. But behind Zaia’s words remains a more complex question: the Covid-19 vaccination is national, complete with a unique brand with the primrose desired by the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri, in a country where health is the responsibility of the Regions. The training of medical personnel is in charge of the State, with distance training by the Higher Institute of Health, ready to begin in the next few days. But it will be the Regions that will put doctors and nurses to work. Vaccine delivery to administration centers is a central responsibility (again, of the commissioner’s structure), but the summons of neighbors, the signing of consents, injections and verifications are the responsibility of the Regions.
Days ago the Ministry of Health published a clear “Strategic Plan” on the objectives – 50% vaccinated by the end of September 2021, 90% by the end of the year – and very vague about how. It is unclear how the chain of command for this gigantic operation would be structured when a Region was left behind. The Arcuri team has negotiated with Poste Italiane the activation of a call center to which citizens can call from areas where the administrations cannot send “active calls” (invitations to the clinic for the vaccine). But the structure of a commissioner cannot compensate for the lack of political responsibility and managerial capacity – local and central – where there is none. At best, it can act as a screen.
December 19, 2020 (change December 19, 2020 | 23:09)