Bologna, December 29, 2020 – “Everyone go vaccinate: it is not necessaryrequired, but of conviction yes “. It began with the wish of a new year other than 2020 and with an invitation to all citizens to vaccination, the governor’s end-of-year press conference Stefano bonaccini. That marked the times of first phase of prophylaxis: “Between today and tomorrow other doses will arrive, 40 thousand weekly doses will arrive for the next few weeks, we will continue with the health personnel and with residents of the Cra”. The second stage will leave in March: “I would like – said the President of the Region – that we immediately go to School staff. Because the school never closes in person. ” Bonaccini spoke many times in this difficult year.
“The 2021 It must be the year of rebirth. For next year, let’s make a budget more than 9,000 million euros for regional healthcare, a record figure, to which we will add more than five hundred million euros for the fund for non-self-sufficient people ”. Then Bologna that still has a Worrying contagion curve, Bonaccini is not too worried because the work of the last weeks has been important. In addition to the restrictions. “There orange zone It did us good because it quickly lowered the curve it was climbing, ”said Bonaccini. We had Rt which was 1.64 a month and a half ago, the last reading gives us 0.82 which is exactly half. In the space of a few weeks we have halved Rt, however, as we know that we should never claim victory, I hope this respect for the rules will help to further reduce the curve. “
So, the school. “I am confident that the high school reopening date will remain the January 7th. Emilia-Romagna – she explained – would be ready to restart with 75% high school attendance, But since the overwhelming majority asked to start with 50%, we made an agreement to start with 50% starting in January. Emilia-Romagna will put more than 500 means of transport into circulation, also making use of individuals ”.
Then Vaccine day on Sunday the administration of the first dose to doctors, nurses, operators and patients of the Cra de Emilia Romagna will begin. Ready in schedule deliveries: doses of Pfizer vaccine They will arrive in Italian territory late in the afternoon today, as confirmed by Bonaccini at a press conference. Then, the company will proceed directly to the delivery, starting tomorrow morning, at the identified locations. This was announced by the Region. They will arrive in Emilia Romagna on January 25 220 boxes of vaccine; Within each package there will be up to 1170 doses, for a total of more than 257,400. This is the quantity that -after the first load arrived on the 27th for the day of the vaccine- will be delivered and distributed to the Local Health Authorities and hospital-university companies, from Piacenza to Rimini, to allow the start of this first phase of the vaccination campaign. aimed at the world of health. Therefore, all deliveries in January will be completed on five separate days: after tomorrow morning, the deliveries are scheduled for mondays January 4, 11, 18 and 25. Vaccine package arrivals will also continue during the month of February, to allow the completion of cycles that require the administration of two doses at a distance of 18-23 days from each other. It’s in March we will start with the vaccination campaign for the whole rest of the population.
Bologna, center of the fair: 1,400 vaccinations per day
After the symbolic launch on December 27, the December 31st Phase 1 of the mass anti-Covid vaccination campaign begins, aimed at all health, social and social assistance, technical, administrative and contracted personnel in contact with patients from Bologna health companies and accredited private structures, generally equal to 25,000 people. Starting this afternoon, healthcare professionals will be able to book through a electronic form present on the company’s intranet.
Vaccinations will be carried out in the Multipurpose Pavilion at the Volvo Congress Center (Piazza Costituzione 4A) of the Bologna Fair, in the 2,300 square meters made available free of charge by BolognaFiere and specially equipped with 14 vaccination boxes, in addition to the reception, registration and post-vaccination observation areas.
L ‘Vaccine Center It will be open every day from Monday to Sunday, from 8.30 to 18.30 for running 1,400 vaccines per day, until mid-February. On Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 the activity will be limited only to the morning (until 1:30 p.m.), with 700 vaccines available, while from Monday, January 4, it will start at full capacity. Working at the Fair in shifts, 400 doctors, nurses and health assistants from the Usl Company, the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, as well as administrative staff and volunteers.
A second vaccination point will be installed from January toRizzoli Orthopedic Institute at the ambulatory in via di Barbiano.
Also on December 31, the first vaccination teams will leave and operate in Ave of the territory, vaccinating operators and guests. In the first weeks of January they will be 228 the structures involved for a total of 7,044 guests and 6,049 operators.
The vaccination course consists of two doses to be taken 21 days apart among them. To be able to carry out the vaccination it is necessary not to have an acute febrile illness in progress and not to be pregnant.
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