The first doses of Vaccine for COVID-19, arriving to January, will be destined to medici, nurses, health workers and ai Old people in the RSA. Then “the other categories of the population belonging to essential services will begin to be vaccinated, including the teachers and school staff, the Police, the staff of prisons and community places. “This was announced by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, who addressed the Chambers to illustrate the national strategic plan for the distribution of the medicine.” It will be administered free to all Italians ”, reiterates the minister, and for the campaign that the government intends to involve“ also family doctors and trainees. “The roadmap foresees a first batch of doses in early 2021, while” the heart of the vaccination campaign is expected to be between next spring and summer“.
Guaranteed doses to Italy are currently 202 million, of which initially 8 of Pfizer and more than 1 million Modern. But “if all authorization processes” were successful, Italy could count on 40.38 million doses of Astrazeneca, 26.92 of Johnsson, 20 of Sanofi, 26 million of Pfizer-Biontech, more than 10 million of Moderna. However, the minister recalled that “it is not the individual states that deal with pharmaceutical companies but it is the EU commission that negotiates for all European states. The negotiations that have started have focused on a group of vaccine companies with different technologies and it will be distributed to the states according to populations, with more doses in the second and third quarters of 2021 ″.
For now, the government “has not foreseen The duty vaccination ”, reaffirms Speranza. “During the campaign we will evaluate the citizen membership fee. Our goal is without a doubt to achieve it as soon as possible group immunity“As already leaked in recent weeks, for the distribution of the doses in the 300 vaccination points the army will be used, since the whole game is managed at a “centralized” level and not by the Regions. According to the Minister of the University Gaetano Manfredi, and especially family doctors and military doctors, the recruitment of specialist doctors is also foreseen. The ministry, Speranza concludes, “is preparing a efficient information system with regional interfaces and there will be a immunological surveillance on the safety of vaccines by monitoring any adverse events. Surveillance activities will be carefully organized and AIFA, in addition to pharmacovigilance, will promote some independent studies on covid vaccines and will be equipped with a scientific Comittee for the vaccination campaign “.