Covid vaccine, historic day. The first vaccinated in Careggi: “Pride and hope”


Florence, December 27, 2020 – It’s the V-day OR Vaccine dayin short: the day of the vaccination. Symbolic day, with only 620 doses of the serum Pfizer-BionTech, but long awaited and important to mark a turning point in the fight against COVID-19.

In the silence of a Sunday morning in the red zone, the military convoy arrived at Florence this morning at 8, with Swiss precision. The moment to unload the precious vials and then the various equipped means arranged by Estar left for the hospitals identified in the region for these first administrations: Siena me Grosseto (Expected arrival at 9.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m.), Meadow (arrival at 9.20), Pistoia (9.30), Lucca (10.45) e Pulp (10.15), Arezzo (arrival at 10.30 am), Empoli (10), Pisa (10.20), Livorno (10.30), Rsa Montedomini and Torregalli Hospital (10).

The first vaccinated was the anticovide nurse at the Careggi hospital Simona bausi, 50 years old. “So much pride and so much hope to get out of this dark period – said the health worker – It seems to me that vaccinating is the right thing to do at this time. There is a little anxiety, but above all hope for this vaccine. I hope to do a Antibody ‘wagon’. We are all happy to be here today and to be the first to get vaccinated – he added – Especially for health professionals, vaccination should be practically mandatory. The risk of being vectors of infection for which we work People sick is heavy and then we want to be an incentive for everyone else. There is a lot of confidence in science and I am sure it will turn out well. “

All the regional council present at each vaccination, with the “ordained” advisers here and there: Eugenio Giani and the councilor for health Simone bezzini They were in Careggi for the arrival of the military convoy to the hospital pharmacy, then for Bezzini the program included a presence in Siena and Arezzo, for Giani Pistoia, Livorno and the Rsa di Montedomini in Florence. Others: in Torregalli Stefania Saccardi, a Montedomini Serena spinelli, a Grosseto Leonardo Marras, special adviser to the president in Massa Giacomo Bugliani and the president’s immunization advisor Angelo zubbani, Prato Stefano Ciuoffo, in Lucca Stefano baccelli, in Empoli the president of the health commission Enrico Sostegni, the president of the regional council of Pisa Antonio Mazzeo.
