A “change of pace” in anti-Covid vaccines and a “revision” of measures and system rules between the red zone, the orange zone and the yellow zone to counteract the spread of the coronavirus and stop the variants of the covid. While the hypothesis of an orange zone for the whole of Italy arises, the requests of the Regions are taking shape, which after the meeting this afternoon ask for “an urgent meeting” of the Mario Draghi government. Stefano Bonaccini, Governor of Emilia Romagna, reported what emerged during the meeting. “Joint work and agreement between all the Regions that in the next few hours will present to the government a platform of proposals for the next Dpcm, in the conviction that a decisive change of pace is needed in the vaccination campaign and for economic recovery. We also ask the Government for an urgent meeting ”, explains President Bonaccini at the end of the Conference of the Regions.
“The priority now,” Bonaccini continued, “is the vaccination campaign. It is going slowly. And this is not due to organizational problems, or the unavailability of the population. The problem is in supply. That is why we ask the Government to undertake all efforts to find more The Regions are available in the forms and in the useful and possible forms, starting from the direct participation of companies and national supply chains. It is also necessary to verify the personnel that will have to participate and we are already collaborating actively with the Government to reach a framework agreement with general practitioners. “
Then, on the division of Italy into zones: “Today we have also dealt with all the questions related to the revision of the current system of rules that defines the entry and exit of the different zones. A revision and simplification with the contextual revision of the Criteria and parameters of classification. We need a longer respite and an in-depth analysis of the places and activities, also based on the risk data already verified. Not only that. The measures must be known with sufficient anticipation and speed. citizens and companies Then all the Regions have requested – Bonaccini concluded – that for the measures that introduce particular restrictions for individual territories, compensation for the categories involved should also be activated at the same time. They are national measures “.
Another proposal was launched by the president of Liguria, Giovanni Toti: “Establish a national yellow zone, which provides for greater openings, such as sports, gyms and swimming pools, entertainment, allowing restaurants to choose whether to open for lunch or dinner, give to everyone the opportunity to work, “Toti explained on Facebook.
“Regulate color changes not only at the regional level,” he added, “but above all at the provincial and municipal level in order to isolate risk situations and variations where necessary. Anticipate the communication of the change of area that cannot come close to the transition itself, so that citizens can plan their own lives. “
And again: “Change some risk assessment parameters (for example, from RT symptoms to RT hospitalizations, which takes into account the beds occupied in hospitals) and expand the control room in which the Ministries that assess the economic and social damage of the measures taken “.
However, it cannot be excluded that the line of prudence still prevails. Translated: orange area of Italy to counter Covid variants and stop the spread of the infection. The country registered an increase in the national Rt index, which in the period from January 27 to February 9 reached 0.99 (range 0.95– 1.07), higher than the previous week and with an upper limit that includes one.
The interregional travel ban will expire on February 25. If the extent of this prohibition seems obvious, the form to be taken to enact the measures should be defined. Tomorrow, meanwhile, Campania, Emilia Romagna and Molise officially enter the orange zone with stricter measures and rules – for trips, schools, bars and restaurants – based on the latest data. Umbria, also in the orange zone, with a regional ordinance decrees the red zone in the province of Perugia.