Experts are confident that the mutation of the virus spreading from the UK will not affect the effectiveness of vaccines. “I consider it very unlikely”, said in Sky TG24, the president of the Superior Council of Health, Franco Locatelli. “Vaccines – he specified – determine the formation of an immune response against different ‘bits’, let’s call them, of the spike protein. Even if there is a mutation in one, two or three’ bits of the spike protein, it is highly unlikely that the vaccine may be ineffective. “
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Locatelli recalled that the decision of Ema, the European Pharmacological Authority, on the approval of the Pfizer vaccine “should come even today, at least this is the forecast, except that Ema has all the power to evaluate in its entirety, over time necessary, all documentation received. If, as expected and desirable, Ema approves it, the vaccine will be sent to all countries and will probably arrive in Italy on December 26. On the 27th this great symbolic day of the day of After the 27th, around the 30th or at the latest in the first days of January, the real vaccination campaign will begin that will affect the health workers and workers and guests of the RSA, because the latter are among those most likely to develop fatal complications from infection. “
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Even infectious disease specialist Massimo Andreoni considers fears about the mutated virus excessive. That essential minimum of caution is always needed with regard to news that begins to circulate even before there are scientific publications. This will be the fifteenth-fifteenth variant of the virus in question. We now describe a variant that is more easily transmitted. My impression is that it is an RNA virus so it has a great capacity to mutate by its nature. If it spreads a little more, but clinically it is no longer aggressive, it is interesting, but it does not deserve all the fuss that is given to it, “he concluded. The director of Infectious Diseases of the Uoc, Tor Vergata, said to the microphones of the program” Italia he has woken up “on Radio Cusano Campus.” For treatment purposes – Andreoni added – he should respond to the few medications that we have available at the moment. My feeling is that this variant has a modest impact on the vaccine. It is a discussion that if it had been kept at scientific tables instead of in the media, perhaps it would have been more intelligent, because especially in a phase in which we have to convince people to get vaccinated, there is no reason to create all these worries and these doubts. It is normal for the media to give the news, I complain to the scientific part that before giving certain information they must have sufficient data. From the little data we have available, this modification of the spike protein would appear to be modest and therefore would not determine the need for a vaccine change. And now the vaccine has understood how to do it, so even if a new vaccine were needed we could do it quickly. “
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Even Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, in Agorà en Rai Tre, puts an end to doubts: “We must not start creating problems, doubts about the vaccine. So the conditional is always good. Everyone agrees that the vaccine is effective and It must be done. “
A more contagious virus underlying the second wave. And now the English variant can put vaccines at risk too
by Elena Dusi