
Hospitals and RSA. There are 300 points throughout Italy where the first 3.4 million doses of the vaccine of the Pfizer that from the end of January should allow the vaccination of 1.7 million Italians.
Vaccines, here are the three close to the goal: how they work and when they might arrive
Covid vaccine, Magrini (Aifa): “In mid-January vaccinations for 1.7 million Italians”
The list
The list has been sent from all regions to the Emergency Commissioner Domenico Arcuri at this time and includes both hospitals capable of storing and administering the vaccine and RSAs, which will be served through mobile units.
To indicate which will be the first categories to receive the vaccine, Arcuri has explained on several occasions in recent days, it will be the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza, which will present the options to Parliament. In the letter sent to the Regions with which he asked the presidents to provide the list of facilities suitable for distribution and administration, the Commissioner stressed that “it seems a priority to safeguard those places that during the pandemic represented the main channel of contagion and spread of viruses, such as hospitals and nursing homes. For this, in this first phase, the administration of the vaccine could be contemplated directly in hospitals and, through mobile units, in nursing homes. ”Pfizer will deliver the vaccine to the 300 points identified directly, “to ensure their integrity”, in storage bags containing 5 boxes of 975 doses each.
How are they preserved
Once at its destination, the vaccine can be stored for an additional 15 days in the bags or six months in a cold room. Each identified hospital unit, the letter continues, “must be able to vaccinate at least 2,000 people (or more people but with multiples of a thousand) in 15 days.” As for the Rsa, the vaccine will be administered through mobile units that must reach them “in no more than 30-60 minutes from one of the closest hospitals.” The Regions, in their response to the Commissioner, provided a more extensive list of the 300 points identified. Now it will be up to the Arcuri offices to select the most appropriate and keep the rest available for the second phase, that of the mass vaccination scheduled for September 2021. “For the other upcoming vaccines destined for all other categories of citizens – the letter says di Arcuri a las Regiones – different methods of administration will be provided, in line with ordinary vaccination management, through a large-scale campaign “also using the drive in or, but they remain hypotheses, including sports halls, fairs and gyms “, from people with a high degree of fragility”.
Buying syringes
Meanwhile, Commissioner Arcuri has launched the tender for the purchase of more than 100 million syringes for the administration of the Covid vaccine. The companies will have 15 days from the publication of the request to present offers and at that time the selection will be made. The announcement, the Commissioner’s offices underline, was launched “while waiting for the European Commission to complete the ‘joint contracting’ procedure, to find on the market all the products necessary for the anti-Covid vaccination campaign.” The Commissioner also announced the procedure for the purchase of more than 5 million ampoules of saline diluent, necessary for the administration of certain types of vaccines.
Acuri, instead, will be heard by the House Transportation Committee. This was announced by the president of the commission, Raffaella Paita (Iv), during the hearing of transport companies on issues related to vaccine distribution against Covid-19. The Arcuri hearing, said President Paita, “will take place on a Tuesday or Wednesday.”
Last updated: 16:44