(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, MAR 03 – While some US states such as Texas are lifting all anti-Covid restrictions, the CDC, the highest authority in the field of health in the United States, reiterates the alarm for a fourth wave of infections in the United States due to variants. And they predict that 564,000 deaths can be reached before March 27.
Taking into account that to date, since the beginning of the pandemic, the victims in the United States are almost 517,000, if the CDC forecasts are met, there would be some 47,000 deaths in just over three weeks, with an average of almost 2,000 deaths a year. day. In light of the forecasts, federal authorities warn: “This is not the time to loosen or remove anti-Covid restrictions.” President Joe Biden hopes that the Americans and the US will continue to follow directives from health authorities on the use of anti-Covid masks and restrictions. “Those who want to remove the obligation to wear masks and masks think like Neanderthals,” the president told the governors of the US states who intend to remove all anti-Covid restrictions. (HANDLE).