(ANSA) – NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 26 – With millions of Americans traveling during the long Thanksgiving weekend, public health experts are terrified of what is about to happen, while the United States reported yesterday of 2,046 deaths from the coronavirus. the highest number in a day since early May.
Dr. Joseph Varon, chief of staff at the United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, described a grim scenario: “My concern for the next six to twelve weeks is that if we don’t get it right, America will see its darkest days. modern medical history “. “My hospital is full. I just opened two new wings so I can house patients in the next few days, because I know a lot of people will get sick after Thanksgiving,” he told CNN.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts between 294,000 and 321,000 deaths in the United States by December 19. “I’m afraid the Thanksgiving wave will add to what will become the Christmas wave. We have to understand that they are in a very dangerous condition,” warned Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy. at the University of Minnesota. (HANDLE).